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________The Inbetween________

It is another Friday night.

Harry would usually sit in his flat, having a couple of shots by himself, watching some pointless reality show, write some useless poems about Summer, and then he would pass out on that small uncomfortable sofa he owns, waking up with back pain in the very early morning. But not today.

Today he promised himself and also Liam that he would go out with him and Peter. He realised he needs to move on and let go. And he just needs to chill himself out, be with someone, not just drinking alone in his tiny flat. He is over with his crybaby phase, where he would bawl his eyes out every night, with or without Rebecca's presence. He is just so done with it.

There is so much noise. They are all sitting in a local pub, in the middle of a huge room, full of half-drunk people. There are just four of them, sitting around a table, all holding onto their beers. Next to the beers, they all got shots, some are empty, some still have the liquor in them. The light in the pub is hushed so it makes Harry a little sleepy, but he is not gonna call it a night yet, they are sitting there just for an hour.

When Liam called him and invited him he was a little skeptical at first, at the end of the day, Liam and Peter are Summer's friends, not his. But then he just shrugged, why wouldn't he meet up with the boys, especially when they are inviting him. So he said yes and then invited his all-time friend Zayn, too. 

They've been friends since Harry moved to Los Angeles. They met when Zayn was ordering flowers for a wedding he was organizing near the store, and he liked Harry's work, so he ordered more and became a stable customer. Harry loved Zayn's job, secretly he was jealous that Zayn is a wedding organizer and is making and attending weddings every weekend. Harry would definitely love the job. Zayn didn't become only a stable customer for the shop but also Harry's good friend. They do not hang out all the time, but they meet up sometimes for a good pint.

"Also how you doing man?" Liam asks after a little uncomfortable silence that was created after no one knew what to say to the topic anymore.

"I'm doing just fine," Harry answers and takes a sip of his beer. "I was wondering when are you gonna ask about it."

"You knew it would happen, though," Peter replies and also takes a sip.

"Of course, I expected nothing less."

"It's a shame though, bro," Zayn joins. He met Summer maybe twice, while he was making orders in the shop and she would just hang out there with Harry.

"Well, what can I do."

"What happened, you actually didn't tell me," Zayn asks, and Harry tenses. He looks down at his drink and doesn't feel like answering. He can say he wants to move on but it still hurts to think about what she did.

"She cheated," Peter casually answers instead of Harry.

"No fucking way, and she looked so lovely," Zayn's eyes go wide and his full attention shifts from Harry to Peter.

"Yeah, fucking disgusting if you asked me. Never support cheating. If you cheat why is the point of being with the person anyway," Liam throws his opinion onto the table and takes down another shot. "I gave her a few words when we found out, Harry does not deserve such a thing."

"Actually I asked her the other day why she did that in the first place," Peter says and makes himself comfortable on a chair. He lays his hands on his stomach and throws back his head for a  little amount of time.

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