Chapter 13: iNeedToKnow

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Chapter 13: iNeedToKnow (updated spelling and grammar)

Original A/N: Hello. It's been a while. I am SO sorry. I suck. As many of you know, I lost my journal with this whole planned out story in it and I went through a GINORMOUS amount of life in between 2017 when I last updated and now. But all of your comments and private messages have encouraged me to continue. I can't promise continuous updates, but I do PROMISE to finish this story. Sam and Freddie were my favorite and I hate how they ended and if you Seddie shippers are anything like me, you crave to read a version of them that keeps their love alive and together.

I hope you like it. Okay. Bye.



I stood behind Freddie, observing as his father approached us with a smirk playing on his lips. Until now, I'd only known Freddie's resemblance to his mother, having never seen his father before. But seeing Ely Benson for the first time, I couldn't help but be struck by their uncanny similarity. They could easily pass for twins. Ely possessed the same deep, dark chocolate eyes as Freddie, however lacking the fiery spark that animated his son's gaze. His hair, a dark brown with hints of salt and pepper, gave him a distinguished air. It was evident why Marissa had been drawn to him. If Freddie aged as gracefully as his father, my goodness, my husband would be quite the catch.

As Ely neared, Freddie instinctively moved me behind him, assuming a protective stance. His tension was evident and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Why did Freddie feel the need to shield me from this man?

As Ely stood before us, matching Freddie's height of 5'7", I couldn't help but feel small in their presence, my own stature at 5'2". Ely seemed to wield his height as a form of intimidation, but Freddie remained grounded, though guarded. For me, however, Ely's mere presence induced an uncharacteristic sense of nervousness, causing me to fidget—an unfamiliar reaction for someone typically composed.

"Son," Ely finally spoke.

"Ely," Freddie responded with a warning edge in his voice.

"Don't be like that Freddie, I just want to talk."

"You've had years to talk to me. I won't stand for you coming in here and disrespecting my wife and me. We've had enough of that, especially after last night. You don't know me, so don't try to play the perfect father now. I want nothing to do with you, just as you clearly wanted nothing to do with my mother. You walked away without a second thought or a care for either of us. So, I suggest you walk away now," Freddie boldly declared to his father, surprising and validating me because I shared his sentiment. Pam really rattled both of us last night.

"Fredward, I'm not walking away. Yes, I made mistakes, but I'm here to discuss the decision you obviously haven't fully considered. I won't let you throw away your future for some troublemaking girl who's frequented my station more times than I can count. Do you even know what she's done?" Ely spat out in frustration.

"Excuse me? I've considered this thoroughly. But you know what? Sam and I don't have the luxury of time right now. We need to get to class. And just so you know, I'm well aware of who my wife is and what she's done. I won't repeat myself. You won't interfere in our lives. I'm proud of Sam and the person she's becoming. I don't need to justify her actions, but I will stand by her tirelessly. She means everything to me, and she isn't 'ruining my future' as you claim. I value her input, and if you want to discuss things further, fine. But this isn't the right moment. We can arrange a dinner on neutral ground, IF Sam and I agree it's appropriate. Do you understand? Because neither you nor anyone else will bully us about our decisions."

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