Chapter 1

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I smiled making the boys mouth drop wide open. I giggled and turned the other way and leaned against the wall. "Hi-- hi Jaidell" Derek said nervously. "What's up boo?" I smiled winking at him. You know usually its the other way around a boy do a simple thing and make a girl tripping over herself. But not this girl, I love making boys be geeked about me speaking to them. And besides none of these boys are my type like they are all the same. Get girl a feed, them lies and break their hearts. No not me try the next unlucky girl. "Yo Jaidell!" my best friend Ashton yelled. He's my heart but as usual he's the biggest ho out of this whole school. "What's up Ashton?" I smiled fixing my bucket hat. "Ain't shit. Yo we out to the mall?" He asked hugging me. "Yeah. I'm waiting for Giselle and Kiara right now" I said. "They coming?" He asked scratching his curls. "Yes boy what you think?" I laughed at his question. Like didn't I just say I'm waiting for them ? And he playfully grabbed me up. "Who you talking to?". "Ashton Koran Brown nigga" I laughed. "Oh you just went blood" he laughed beating me up now. We forever playing in somebody's hallway. "Jai we right here!" Kiara laugher jumping on Ashton's back. "Yeah Ki!" I cheered her on. And we started beating him up but here came Kendrick and them. Swinging our little asses right off of Ashton. "Nah ya cheated its only three of us!" I laughed out of breath. And they all shrugged smirking. "Whatever ya ready?" I laughed. And we left the school building hopping in Kendrick's car. "How was school ya?" I asked Kiara and Giselle. No they didn't give us no classes together not even lunch. "Cool. Um like four boys was using me for you" Giselle laughed resting her head on my lap. "You lying!" I laughed. They treat me like a celebrity or some shit. But the good thing is I'm not stuck up I say hi to everybody and not on no fake shit either. If you team Jaidell then I'm team you. "Dead ass boy! So I was partner less and they all kept fighting over me, well really you and I couldn't stop laughing. I made them all do the work then told them you would see them after class" she laughed real hard. "Yo that's bitchy!" Kiara laughed. "Shut up. You would've did the same shit I swear and it was Chem class" Giselle said defending herself. I couldn't stop laughing, these two argue like they date each other I swear !! We pulled up to the mall and Ashton stole me from them. "Best friend you jealous?" I smirked holding his arm. "I'm Ashton when do I get jealous?" He joked. Conceited ass. "Every second" I giggled as we kept on walking. We sat in the food court and brought all different types of food like we were a starving; well at least I was. "We'll be back we need something from Forever 21" Giselle said getting up with Kiara. "Oooh ya fake what about me?" I asked them. "So come with us" Kiara said. "Ya air heads better not leave us" I said then walked off with my girls. "Why are we going shopping?" I asked them. "Its a pool party Saturday and we have to look cute" Giselle said. "Heard you but I'm just going to tag along because my mom just dragged me down here not too long ago. She wants to out do my dad side for the family reunion" I said. And they laughed real hard. They both love my mom and swears she's in the loop. Like no shawty but my mom is very competive with looks. Momma love goes in for looks but she don't have to do much. My mom is reaaaal pretty she kind of looks like Keri Hilson just with a bigger butt. Yes my mom is a "fox" as she would say. "How does this look ya?" Giselle asked showing off her cotton candy pink colored bandeau. "I like that! Wait do they have neon green?" I asked hopping out of my seat. "Yes get one with me!! I thought I would have to beg you or Kiki" She cheered. "You wasn't going to have to beg me cause look" Kiara said twerking showing off her royal blue bandeau. And we laughed at her. "So our Saturday looking like triplets let's be cuuute" I bragged. They slapped me fives and we went to pay for our stuff. They boy at the cash register though, heart eyes all over him. "What its twin day at ya school?" He asked smiling. "No its a pool party actually.... you wanna come?" I smirked. "If my niggas could come too" he shrugged. "Deal. Take my IG and DM me from then on. Its LilSwaggy" I said and he really put it in his phone. "Don't front either we need cute boys at this event" Kiara said. He chuckled. "Ya hosting that party?" He asked mainly staring at me. I shook my head 'no'. "Its just from how cute we are we can invite anybody we want" Giselle giggled and I bumped her with my hips. "Ignore her conceited ass. We just don't want it to be a coochie fest you feel me?" I asked him. "Yeah heard you" He nodded his head. "Are ya done?! Damn!!" These girls yelled at us and we laughed at them. "We don't want you fired so send that follow in and we'll talk later" I winked. "Ya bitches bugging!" Kiara said mugging the girls. We laughed and met up back with the boys at the food court. But they already had girls surrounding them. I know Ashton caused all of that attention. "What took ya so long?" Ashton asked us. "Nigga we went looking in the store" I said and put my feet in my chair. All the girls started giggling. Ashton sucked his teeth and snatched my phone. "Ash what are you doing?" I asked him while everybody watched us. "Let's go talk Jaidell" Ashton said. "For what?" I mugged him. Truthfully I just wanted my phone back for selfies. "Just come on" He stood up. I sighed out loud and got up following behind him. "You heard what daddy said Jaidell!!" Kendrick teased. And I stuck up my middle finger at him. Everybody laughed at me again. We were in the parking lot by now so I sat on the back of Kendrick's car. "What's up?" I asked him. Ashton sucked his teeth and folded his arms. "What now Ashton?" I asked. I don't know why but we argue like a couple as well. "You love catching random attitudes like what's up with that?" He asked looking at me. I laughed and said "what attitude I had Ashton? I be thinking you want me to have a attitude but over what?". "You didn't just have a stank ass attitude calling me a nigga and shit?!" Ashton snapped. Somebody isn't all little miss sunshine today now are we ? He tried it. "Woah who are you cursing at papi? Slow that down. I don't know what any of your side bitches do to you but you're not taking it out on me" I said hopping down. And I was about to walk away but Ashton grabbed my jean hoop. I started laughing. "You're so annoying" I smirked. "I'm sorry" he said. "As usual" I shrugged and hugged him. "You have the smartest mouth short fuck" Ashton laughed. "I know" I giggled. We walked back to the food court and sat down. "What kind of quickie was that?" Darell joked and I stuck my middle finger up. While everybody laughed at his nasty ass joke. "I'm starting to think ya want me" I said. And they all started talking shit. "Yo chill. We out" Ashton said to them. "Where ya going?" I asked him. "We all leaving the mall" he chuckled. "Oh I thought ya was about to do something else" I said then we all walked back to the parking lot. Getting into Kendricks car my phone started ringing.

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