22: pemdas

984 84 506

| january 14 2020
northwestern high school
5:08 am| 

jarad's sneakers squeaked against the tiled floors of the empty high school hallway, followed by a soft curse under his breath while he silently wished that he chose to wear a pair of shoes that didn't make as much noise as the beaten up black air forces that currently graced his feet.

as much as his shoe choice made sense, seeing as though what he was currently partaking in was indeed black air force activity, the last thing he needed was the sound of his footsteps giving away his location to a lone janitor or faculty member who came to the building early.

with a flashlight in one hand and a small cart filled with nondescript envelopes being pushed with the other, he'd be pretty hard to miss if he did get caught, and with the contents of said envelope? if he was discovered, he'd no doubt be expelled, just months away from graduation, and possibly given criminal charges as well. he had to move very carefully, as one false move could have dire consequences for the teenager.

he rolled the cart throughout the hallway, stopping at each locker he could to slip an envelope in through the vents, he was about halfway done with the "delivery" phase of his plan. he anticipating it taking long, as the school was huge and there were two floors stacked to the brim with lockers, he just didn't know it'd take this long. he grew anxious, knowing that he needed to have it done by the time school began, or else it wouldn't hit the way he needed it to.

contrary to what it looked like, jarad didn't break into the school at before dawn broke as he had originally planned to. his original plan was to sneak into the school around 5:30, when the custodians would be clocking into work and he could easily get into the building without needing to pick a lock or break a window, but then he thought he wouldn't have nearly enough time to print out the images, and distribute them throughout the school all in a timely manner before school hours began.

his solution? stay at the school overnight.

it wasn't hard, all he had to do was hide out in the school library instead of returning home as he'd usually do and since he lived alone, he wouldn't have any parents or guardians wondering where he was.

it seemed that lack of parental supervision was a common theme within the group, but had there been more active parents in the lives of these kids, things wouldn't have gone this far to begin with, hell, they probably wouldn't have even crossed paths with one another, because misery loves company and that was surely a miserable, miserable group.

anyway, when jarad was sure that the school was completely empty, he began to print up hundreds of copies of the same picture that he was distributing through the school - 974 copies to be exact. 

the whole ordeal of printing the pictures, then putting the pictures in the envelopes, and then loading the cart with the envelopes was an all night process, a process that could've been avoided by simply spreading the picture via airdrop or getting the anonymous page to do it seeing as though he had no qualms doing it to michael, but that wasn't enough.  he wanted to see the reactions of his peers and classmates as they opened the envelope and feasted their eyes upon the scandalous image for the first time. he wanted to see jaws drop, eyes widen, and exclamations of swear words right before him.

and most importantly, he wanted to win michael back over.

he knew that there was a chance that michael wouldn't take him back after this, but if he didn't, there really wasn't much more jarad could do, outside of playing on michael's empathetic nature and using more manipulation tactics to make him feel sorry for him. this was his last ditch effort to get michael back in his bed, and boy, did he pull out all the stops.

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