28: sicko mode

800 69 478

| january 23 2020
northwestern high school
2:55 pm |

jahseh was never really one to celebrate his birthday.

why would he? it wasn't anything special, and he didn't understand why society placed so much weight on a day that was ultimately meaningless; so he was born that day, so what? so were millions of other people. what was the big deal that he was a year older, that he's wasted another year on this planet that's done nothing but deal him hardship? no thanks, he's good on that.

although, it did bring a smile to his face when gazzy woke him up that morning by singing happy birthday to him. it was a small gesture that no one would blink twice at, but people didn't really do the little things when it came to him. he didn't matter enough.

so there it was, jahseh was finally 18 years old, and while most looked forward to their 18th for the majority of their adolescense, jahseh silently dreaded it. now that he was 18, he was truly alone in this world, not that the crack-whore that wasn't fit to call herself a mother ever filled the role of guardian to begin with. he hasn't even seen her in over a month, for all he knew she could be dead in a ditch somewhere and he wouldn't know, nor would he care.

of course, his other friends, michael and stokeley wished him a happy birthday as well, as stokeley had made his return to school the prior day. he noticed that the two of them had been acting weird around each other ever since he came back, but he decided not to ask, coming to the conclusion that they most likely fucked each other. it's not like he'd be surprised.

but as for everyone else? the only thing resembling a birthday gift he received was a detention for being late to his first class, which he thought was bullshit. it wasn't his fault that gazzy lived so far from school. he honestly wondered why gazzy didn't stay in the private school he used to go to before he transferred to northwestern; it was closer by to his house, and his family could obviously afford it. he'd have to ask why he left one day, he always forgets.

he wasn't surprised that no one else cared, after all, he wasn't exactly liked in school. he was only slightly above the likes of omar and jordan when it came to the social food chain. he was only tolerated, if that.

jahseh walked through the halls with his beaten down backpack slung over his right shoulder, making his way towards his locker so he could collect the rest of his belongings before detention started. normally, he'd skip detention, but it's not like he had shit else to do.

as he rummaged through his open locker, he received a happy birthday wish from the last person he wanted to talk to: jamell.

"aye, wassup jah," jamell crooned, flashing a smile at the shorter. "happy birthday lil baby, i hope you have a good day today."

jahseh let out a sigh, fighting his hardest not to let his eyes roll out of his head. with everything going on, he honestly forgot jamell even existed. he was too busy trying to get rid of jordan, that he forgot that he had another relentless stalker who wasn't nearly as attractive to warrant putting up with him.

he figured that jamell was just trying to be nice, though, so he didn't say anything rude. jahseh gave him a small, polite smile. "thanks melly."

"what you doing for your birthday?" jamell continued to pester jahseh, even after he turned his attention back to the locker.

"i'm not doing shit," jahseh answered honestly. "don't want to do shit to be honest. plus i got detention so i ain't really in the most celebratory mood."

jamell started to turn on his heels and walk away, taking the hint to leave jahseh alone, but then he got an idea.
"ayo, when do detention end again?"

anonymous ✧ multiWhere stories live. Discover now