Chapter 2 : Sentimental/Reminiscing

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'A heart that yearns and long for it.'

'He/She is reminded of good old days.'

A few days passed, they then realised their notes, revision papers got mixed up. Most importantly, what they wrote down in one of the notes was their dream. They start to think that it was the best if they didn't meet each other on the pavement again.

As much as they didn't want to meet each other, like fate as predicted, they met again. 

They started talking and introduce themselves to each other. Specifically, they both told each other about the dream. Both of them asked each other what they like, what they don't like, what type of food do they eat, so on and so forth.

They soon became best friends and they also exchanged their hand phone numbers.

Over the next two months, Y/N and Shawn felt happy as they get to further understand each other. Shawn also got into fewer fights with other people after meeting Y/N.

The Middle...

It was their finals.(Exam) They are going to graduate soon after their finals. Upon graduating, they told each other what they gonna pursue. Y/N wanted to be a engineer, while Shawn wanted to be a baker. They both wanted to focus on their finals so they agreed that they wouldn't contact each other for a while. During the finals, only to send a few text of cheering each other.

(A/N : Their finals are on the same day, same subject but different chapters. They studied all anyways, the important points too.)

They told each other that after their finals, they promise to meet each other at an anonymous cafe to celebrate their graduation.

A few days later, it was their graduation day. Shawn text Y/N to meet at the cafe, 4 pm. Y/N told Shawn that she aced the exam and Shawn was happy for her.

At the cafe....

They talk about what have they been doing these days and what they hope to become. They still talk about the dream that they are having these days. (Details : Did it further continue on, or is it still the same, did anything change?)

They talk about how much they missed their past. Reminiscing what they did back in younger days.

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