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So you won't get confused:

"..." = Means He/She is talking
'...' =Means He/She is thinking

Hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

Wendy's POV
I'm still here listening to their conversation, and I decided to not step out because it's not my business

"I know something is bothering you Joy...you never go home this early when you have classes" I heard her mom say

I took a peak. And saw Joy looking down

'Oof' I wanna go there but I can't

While I was peeking someone held my shoulder which made me jump

I looked behind and saw a little girl, well...about 9 to 10 years old

"Uhm hello?" I greeted confusedly "Hello Wendy unnie, I am Yeri. Nice to meet you 😊" how the hell did she know me?

"How do you know me?" I asked "my sister always talks about you" when she said that I blushed ONLY a little bit

"Unnie what are doing here?" She asked "Well uhm...we uhm" honestly I don't know what to say because shes just a kid


"Yeri? What are you doing here? I thought you have school" I heard Joy's voice from behind me so I looked behind me and saw her

"I'm lazy to go to school, so I told mom that I want to be absent for today" I heard Yeri say then I looked at Joy's reaction which made me chuckle

"What the heck?" I heard Joy say


(A/N: back with the story Mango parkyoungjae_2young)

"HEY JOY! WERE NOT FINISHED TALKING YET" I heard her mom shout which made me and Yeri jump

"Did something happen Wendy unnie?" She asked oh frick, how shoukd I frikin answer this

"Well...something did happen but, it's not my position to tell" I responded then she nod

Shes a good kid

"Can Yeri do me a favor?" I asked her then she nodded. Donut worry I have a plan

"Can you go up to your room for a sec because I will do something, which means that no one will watch over you. Go to your room so it's more safe okay?" Ok this is the dumbest idea that I've ever think of but it worked

She went to her room then I went NEAR where they were talking because Joy told me so

"Joy why didn't you tell me?" I heard her mom say which made me UwU

(A/N: sana ol ganyan nanay-)

"I'm sorry mom...it's just" I heard that she got cut off and took a peak. I saw her mom patting her back which made me smile

"Is he suspended?" I heard her mom ask then I saw Joy looked at me. I gave her a thumbs up sign "Yes mom, we already told our adviser" she said

"Next time tell me okay?" Her mom said then I saw Joy nodded "ok our discussion is done" I heard her mom say

I smiled proudly at Joy then suddenly she hugged me

(A/N: YeeEEeEeeEee)

"Thank you Wendy...for everything" she said then I nodded "Everything for friend 😁" I responded with a fake smile

"Let's go to my room" she said and pulled my arm to her room, which made me yelp

"Joy slow down" I said while laughing

"Oof" Daz da last word I heard from her before we fell down on da plor

(A/N: leelixsz parkyoungjae_2young yeee ooooof)

I closed my eyes while hugging Joy so she won't get hurt

(A/N: well oof)


(A/N: Im really sorry for the stupid sound effects XD)

"You okay?!" I heard Joy ask then I nodded "I'm okay if you're okay. Now let's go" I said while standing up

Joy's POV
"I'm okay if you're okay. Now let's go" GAHHHHH WAT IS WENDY DOING TO ME


(A/N: ehem)

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