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So you won't get confused:

"..." = Means He/She is talking
'...' =Means He/She is thinking

Hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

Wendy's POV
Seulgi unnie stopped. So my soul came back to my body

I was so red that they started taking a pic then I glared at them then Seulgi unnie started driving again

"WE'LL TAKE THE HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN AND I CAN'T WAIT TO LOVE YOU ALL ALONE OH YEA YEA YEA YEA OH YEA YEA!!!" Seulgi unnie shouted while rolling down the window which made people look at us

"YOU FEEL IT WENDY?!" I didn't quite catch that because the music was too loud

"THE WOT?" I asked but Irene unnie shook her head

Well we stopped again and that car ride was intense

"WE ARE HERE AT 7/11!!!" Seulgi unnie shouted then we all covered our ears

"Unnie chill..." I said then they started laughing

"OH OH OH WENDY UNNIE WENDY UNNIE!" I heard Joy said. Wait wait wait Wendy unnie?!

"Can you take a pic of me?" She asked then I nodded "Sure" I replied

"Can you take a pic of me?" She asked then I nodded "Sure" I replied

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Well the pic turned out great so uhm...YEY I guess..?

"Where are they?" I asked then she pointed at the drinks section

'Oh no no no one is getting drunk not tonight' I thought. Well I thought to soon because they just got a chocolate milk no alcoholic drinks so uhm that's embarrassing

I just got sum noodles for us and I bought some for me too. Yep we will be eating noodles tomorrow for breakfast

(A/N: I know it sounds weird but me and my family do dis everytime we are at the hotel- ok nvm you probably skipped dis O^o)

"You eat a lot of noodles..." Irene unnie said then I shook my head "This is for tomorrow and I bought one for me" I replied "OOoooOoOooOoH" Seulgi unnie said

"What is happening to dis bear?" I asked Joy then she shrugged. I looked at Irene unnie then she shrugged too

I sighed and ate my noodles

Time Skip when they are all done eating

"Lemme tell you guys a scary story" Irene unnie suddenly said then I smirked "Sure" as I said sure Joy came and hugged my arm

"Me and my family went to Baguio. Of course we rented a house because hotels are expensive...and then things started to get weird. One night I was trying to pee but the bathroom door won't open, I was trying to knock on it but no answer so I waited...then after some time I tried again to open the door and IT OPENED, BUUUUT No one was inside. That's when I started panicking and went back to the bed cuz I don't wanna deal with that. Then the next days the doors always lock by themselves, still to this day we are still creeped out after that. AND WAIT ONE NIGHT SOMEONE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR...We opened it and saw THIS!"

"FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK" I keep saying these words while closing my eyes "NOT FUNNY UNNIEEEEE!" Joy said

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"FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK" I keep saying these words while closing my eyes "NOT FUNNY UNNIEEEEE!" Joy said

Then Irene laughed leaving us 3 scared as frick

"LET'S GO I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS!" Seulgi unnie said and went to the car

We followed her then we started driving

"Seulgi can I change the song?" Irene unnie asked then Seulgi unnie nodded "Sure"


"Oh you know that too?" I asked her "TXT are the best!" She shouted then I nodded in agreement

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"Oh you know that too?" I asked her "TXT are the best!" She shouted then I nodded in agreement

Joy's POV
I feel like I've heard this song before...

"CAN'T YOU SEE ME!" Irene and Wendy unnie sang


Ok I need to know what is da title of dis song

I sneakily got Wendy's phone and opened it. Call me creepy but I love this song

AHA Can't you see me by TXT

Hmm the title is kind of sad well I dunno, I don't pretty much care about the lyrics

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Hmm the title is kind of sad well I dunno, I don't pretty much care about the lyrics. WELL sometimes
End of Flashback

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