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It's been two weeks. Everything is normal. Well, kinda normal.
Today were supposed to find out what we are. I'm so excited! But, I'm still sad. Ever since I told Lucifer about my 'memory' he stoped talking to me. I mean, it's been two weeks! Why?
I mean, not that I care.
Uhh, I do. I do care. I feel deeply connected to him.
"Every Student from forth grade in P.E. room now!", our principal screams and pulls me out of my thoughts.
I run into P.E. room so I can sit where I want to. But, nothing ever goes by my plan.
The whole room is already full! Uhhhh!
I have to sit in front row! Can you believe that!
I shamelessly walk to free sit. When I sit, teachers come into the room. And of course Lucifer is in the middle. I'm trying to hate him, but he looks so good right now.
Like he's reading my thoughts he smiles at me.
After we all take our positions, principal walks into the room with principal from Angel Academy. He has an paper. Well, papers. He starts saying:
"Today were all here because you're going to find out who you are.
First we start with humans.", he holds one of the papers and reads.
What?? I'm not human? Wait, wait, wait. There must be a mistake.
"We tested you all three times so there's no place for mistakes.", principal says.
I look at Lucifer. He looks at me with confusion. Then principal speaks again.
"Since this year we have 467 humans. This is the first year in school's existence that we have so small number of angels and demons.", he says sounding disappointed, "angels are: Dominic Arear, Alitalia Nikolis, Nika Marjorie, Ivarin Botik, Walton Gorn, Filmor Morkintin, Lucas Fring, Doris Zinvin, Zara Luken, Mara Kraken."
And Celia, please, please.
"And that's all."
No, no, no. That's not possible. I mean I knew that my father is demon and I'm not surprised that I am too but... that means that I have to go to school that Lucifer owns.
Great. Just great.
"That means that we have only three demons. Which are Stacy Star, Blaze Blank and Celia Jackson." , when principal said my name everybody started to laugh.
We had to walk to our new principals.
When I came to Lucifers side I felt his hand on my back.

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