The first kiss

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"The Power
He has
Of my body
And my soul
Is weakening"
- Celia

I freeze.
And then after a few long seconds, anger consumed me.
Now he's touching me, and he didn't talk to me for whole two weeks?!
I turn around and I slap him across his face.
"How dare you? Who gave you the right to touch me?"
He just looks at me and smirks.
"Well I guess I deserved it", he says
Before he could say anything else, I rise my hand to slap him again, but he stops me.
We lock our eyes together and I can see.. in his eyes. What is it? Hunger? Lust? Maybe even love?
Before I could ask he pushes me into storage room and pushes me into the wall. Before my back hits the wall, he puts his arms protectively around my back so I don't got hurt.
As I feel the wall next to my back, I hear our heavy breathing. He cups my face with his big palm.
"I'm sorry Celia, I can't control myself."
He pulls me closer to his body, if it's even possible and looks at my eyes.
I see all kinds of emotions.
From regret, anger, sadness, lust, compassion, hunger... but stronger of them all love.
I feel so safe in his arms. I could stay here forever. I don't even remember why I was angry at him.
And then, he pulls me out of my thoughts with the most beautiful way.
With a kiss.
Our lips connect together and I shiver.
His lips are soft, just like I imagined them. The kiss is slow, gentle even, but full of lust and hunger.
His lips start to move faster, and I try to catch the beat.
He bits my lower lip and I moan of pleasure which gives his tongue a permission to enter.
His tongue passionately explores every part of my mouth like it's the last time.
He puts his hand in my hair and I wrap my legs around his hips slightly jumping in that process.
Then I put my palms in his hair, in which he moans and pulls me even more into his body.
This moment is full of pleasure, but before I could give him more. He starts to slow down.
In a few seconds, he breaks the kiss.
We're breathing heavy and then we make eye contact.
He looks confused.
"Why are you still here?", he asks.

What's going to happen next? Why did Lucifer say that? Did he use her?
What do you think?
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Until then
With all my love
To my dearest readers
- Lara

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