Chapter 2: Fuck You, Monoma

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Time: 10:04
Day: Tuesday, April
Pov: Ochako Uraraka
I've only just noticed how cute Tsuyu actually was. I sat up a bit more and her head fell on my shoulder just like mine was before. She had fallen asleep an hour into the movie. She looked.. So peaceful. And so relaxed. I don't really want to disturb her. I got up and put a blanket over her so she was comfortable. I pushed her hair behind her ear slightly. She looked really beautiful. I sighed quietly, knowing she didn't think of me as more than a friend..

Time: 10: 09
Day, Tuesday, April
Pov: Third Person

Ochako walked aimlessly around the halls and into the common room. The brunette walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple. She took a bit out of the fruit and sat down on a beanbag chair.

Monoma was also headed towards the common room with his friend Tetsutetsu. (Tetsutetsu is gonna be a jerk in this, sorry Tetsutetsu fans) When they walked in they noticed a petite brown haired girl sitting on the couch, who they recognized as Ochako Uraraka.

Ochako looked up from her apple and looked at the boys curiously. "Are you guys meant to be here?" She asked.

"That doenst really matter," Monoma replied blankly. Ochako nodded, not really sure but decided not to question. "You know, you really shouldn't be eating right now." Monoma continued.

Ochako tilted her head slightly. "Why not?"

Monoma laughed. And not a friendly or joking laugh, a mean one. "Well.. How do I say this.." He paused, pretending to think. Tetsutetsu chuckled beside him. "Your looking kind of round." (Sayori x Ochako rap battle reference, oof) Monoma said, glancing at the pink cheeked girl.

"Come again?"

"We're bascially saying your fat." Tetsutetsu told the confused girl.

Ochako choked on her apple slightly. Did he seriously just say that? Monoma began talking again, "I mean, are you always eating or something? Seriously, take it easy."

That was uncalled for.. Ochako thought sadly to herself as she stopped taking bites from her apple and starting turning it around in her hands.

"Thats all she probably ever does, eat!" Tetsutetsu laughed with his friend. Monoma spoke up again, "I know right!"

Ochako used her quirk so she could float the apple to a trash bin, hoping they would give up and leave her alone if she got rid of the apple. "And she's so lazy that she can't even get up to throw away an apple!" Tetsutetsu teased her. Ochako stopped and almost let the apple fall to the floor.  She then took the apple and sent it soaring at Tetsutestu's face.

"Argh!" Tetsutetsu clutched his face as the apple fell to the floor with a thud. Ochako stood up and speed walked past them, heading to her dorm where Tsuyu was probably waiting.

That sure ruined my night. Ochako thought bitterly.

And my confidence..

Ochako made it to the dorm and saw that Tsuyu had moved to her bed, falling asleep again. Ochako felt her heart skip a beat. Tsuyu was really pretty. Ochako layed down next to the greenette and snuggled up into her side, using her hand to cover them with her hazel green blanket.
Time: 6:44(AM)
Day: Wednesday, April
Pov: Ochako Uraraka

I slowly opened my eyes, to be greeted with a yellow pillow. The pillow is so soft.. I unconsciously snuggled closer into the pillow. The pillow moved and I- wait. It.. Moved? Pillows don't move. I looked up and rubbed my eyes slightly. HOLY SHIT IT'S TSUYU! Not only was her arm wrapped around my waist, but I noticed how close my face was to her...

I felt my cheeks start to heat up. I shouldn't be this close! I pulled myself up a little do that I wasn't right next to her breast and was instead on a pillow. Since there was a minor (not so minor) height difference, we still weren't face to face. Her head was a just below my chin. I didn't really want to get up and bother her.. How could I manage to escape her grasp without waking her up? I asked myself. I felt Tsuyu move so I looked down to see that she gad nuzzled her adorable- I mean normal looking face into the corner of my neck. OMG I CAN'T, SHE'S JUST TOO PRECIOUS!

Time: 7:05
Day: Wednesday, April
Pov: Ochako Uraraka

I saw Tsuyu stirring in her sleep beneath me. I looked down at her as her tired eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Good morning, Tsu!" I greeted her cheerfully. Even though my boyfriend just dumped me and I was body shamed last night, Seeing Tsuyu awake just seems to make me happy.

"Morning, Ochako. Ribbit." She said, flashing me with a tired but sweet (and adorable) smile. She seemed to notice how close we were cause her cheeks turned a bright red. I expected her to try and get up but she kind of just layed there, burying her face into my neck again. Now it was my turn to blush.

"How are you holding up?" She suddenly asked. She doesn't know about Tetsutetsu and Monoma yet, so I wont tell her unless it's 100% necessary. I reminded myself.

"Well.." I started off before pausing. If I'm not telling her about last night, I'll at least tell her the truth about this, "It's been.. Hard. But with you, I feel a lot better. You really help my mood, Tsuyu."

I noticed her cheeks slightly grow red again before she spoke, "So your fine? Totally fine?" Tsuyu asked cautiously. She probably thinks I'm hiding something, which I am.

"Yeah," I replied, playing with her hair a little bit. "Don't worry about me." She nodded and we kind of just layed there for a moment.

"What do you wanna do? Ribbit." She asked. I thought for a moment. What should we do? I asked myself.

"Wanna hang out with the girls?" I asked her. She nodded happily and I sat up. I opened up Mina's contact on my phone and texted her.

You: Hey, Mina. Do you wanna hang out?

Mama Mina: Yassss! I'll be there, and I'll bring some people!!

You: Okay! Who will you bring?

Mama Mina: All of class 1-A!

You: oh, haha alright.

"Okay so.." I began, looking at Tsuyu. "Are you cool with all of class 1-A being there?


Word Count: 1081

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