Chapter 17

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~Author's P.O.V~
"What kind of help, sir?" Yiren asked.

"You see, YN isn't taking Hyun to the kids center anymore. He has been enrolled in a new daycare and they don't let anyone meet the kids except the family members. I tried sending men, but didn't work out." Jungkook explained.

"So, what do you want me to do, sir?"

"I want you to go there and meet him. I'll send one of my men with you. All you have to do is bring me a strand of his hair."

"Sir, may I know, for exactly what reason?" Yiren asked raising an

"You don't need to know. Just do what I asked!" Jungkook ordered.

"You do realize that, he is my nephew! What if you're trying to hurt him! And on top of that, you want me to betray my sister!!" Yiren exclaimed trying to put on an act.

"Miss Yiren, do you think I don't know, how's your relationship with your sister!! Just stop with all the acting. What do you want in return?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, I don't want anything. Now that we hate the same person, I'd like to help you, genuinely!" Yiren smirked.

Seeing her cocky behaviour, Jungkook left out a chuckle and stood up from his seat to stand in front of her. "What makes you think I hate her?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"She isn't letting you do what you want. Plus if you didn't hate her, why would you do this behind her back?" Yiren explained while crossing her arms.

"Well, you can think whatever you want. You can go now. I'll send someone to you soon."
Jungkook didn't hate YN at all, in fact he was doing all this to get her attention. But he didn't feel the need to clear Yiren's misunderstanding.

All of his life, he got unwanted attention from girls and women. They threw themselves at him, which made him dread female species. Now that he was craving the attention of a woman, she wasn't paying any heed to him.

Karma really is a bitch.

~Time skip~

~Author's P.O.V~
A few days later, Jungkook's secretary came into his office with an envelope. It was from Kim Seokjin's lab. Seeing the envelope, Jungkook couldn't hold back his excitement. Without opening it, he ran out of his office.

He got off from the elevator and went into the planning department only to find it empty. No one was there. Right, it was lunch break.
YN, Aera, Jangmi and Minho were sitting at the same table and having their lunch on the company's cafeteria. The whole cafe was now filled with the employees as it was lunch break.

YN was having her lunch peacefully when suddenly there was a pin drop silence. Discerning the sudden change in atmosphere, she looked up, to see a tall figure standing right in front their table.

Aera dropped her dumplings out of shock and quickly stood up. Others were startled too.

"S-sir, do you need something!" Aera managed to blurt out.

"We need to talk. Come out with me," Jungkook spoke looking directly at YN.

He was waiting for a response but YN just stood there looking like a lost child.

Being impatient, Jungkook grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the cafe. This incident filled the cafe with whispers of curious people.

~YN's P.O.V~

Jungkook dragged me into an empty room and closed the door behind him. I couldn't figure out what exactly he was trying to do.

"I want to meet Hyun. Not just today, everyday, whenever I want," he blurted out.

"What makes you think I'll allow that! And do you realize what you just did!!! People are gonna start rumors!" I exclaimed.

"Then you want me to go the hard way right! Okay, your wish," he said and took out an envelope from his coat. Opening the envelope he took out a paper and held it in front of my face.

"I had a DNA test done. Now you see, it clarifies my right as his father. If you still prevent me from seeing him, then I'm afraid I will have to take drastic measures. Do you want that?" He said looking at me.

I looked at the paper and seeing the results I widened my eyes. How could it be possible! Did he not see the report first, before showing it to me!

"Didn't you see the report yourself?" I asked.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked being confused at my question.

"Take a look at it first. You'll know!" I replied.

He turned the page towards him to take a look and his expression was priceless. He was shocked as hell.

"How is this possible! Hyun is my son! Then why does the result say he's not!" He exclaimed out of horror.

He looked at me with questioning eyes. He never expected it to turn out like this. I was also confused as to why the report came out negative! Hyun was Jungkook's son. But for me it was actually a great opportunity to keep him away, so I just went on with the flow.

"Did I ever mention that he is your son?" I asked keeping a straight face.

"What do you mean? But w-we... Six years ago... I-I.. !"

He couldn't even talk properly, sucks to be him. Then I cut him off and smashed his last bit of hope. "Do you think you are the last man alive on earth! Just because we slept together, doesn't mean it's your child. It's someone else's. You are holding the proof in your hand. Now leave us alone," I lied mercilessly.

It was visible in his eyes how much heart broken he was. It would be a lie if I said, my heart didn't ache seeing him like this. But it was a payback. He couldn't be trusted. I didn't want to lose my son to him. So, it was better if he stayed away from us.

I just left him there and walked out of the room. Now it was time for me to face the consequences of the mess, he created a few minutes ago.

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