Chapter 22

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~Author's P.O.V~
Jungkook spent the night in YN's place. Don't get naughty thoughts guys. He slept in another room with Hyun. But, of course, he was very much eager to sleep in the same room as YN.

The next morning Jungkook got up early and got ready to leave. It was work day already. Getting out of Hyun's room, he met with YN.

"Um, I wanted to ask you something," Jungkook said. YN nodded her head and came near him to listen. "Next weekend, we're going to our farmhouse. It's a family thing of ours and I think Hyun should go too. He'll like it there," Jungkook proposed.

Indeed it would be nice for Hyun. The love he couldn't get from YN's family, perhaps his family could provide it for him. But she was nervous. "Does your family know about him?" YN asked, worry visible in her eyes.

Her question made Jungkook smile a little bit. "Well, mom already knows. And about others, I'll just give them a surprise. Believe me, they'll love him!" Jungkook assured. "Okay, you can take him," YN replied. But her reply made Jungkook drop his smile.

"When I said I'm taking Hyun, I also meant you. You're coming too," he said looking straight at her eyes.

"B-but don't you think it'd be awkward! Your family would be there and I....," she couldn't finish her sentence. Jungkook cut her off and said, "It won't be awkward. You're family too." Saying this he went out of her apartment. Now, YN just stood there with her heart beating like crazy. His warm words made her feel butterflies in her stomach.
~YN's P.O.V~
The days were going by smoothly. Nowadays I enjoyed going to work. Hyun was also very happy to be able to meet his dad everyday. What could go wrong!

"Why does he smile so much these days! Is he secretly dating?" Aera asked while looking at her phone.

My desk was beside hers so I could hear her clearly. She probably was scrolling down the Kookie fanclub again. Now that I was in the group, I knew what exactly she was talking about. Everyday different people uploaded different pictures of Jungkook. I couldn't figure out, how exactly they managed to click those photos. Most of them were from when he walked through the lobby. Some of them were taken during meetings. These girls had some guts! If he ever found out about this group, they were as good as fired.

"Do you realize that, if he finds out about this group, you guys are all fired?" I asked while working. "Why are saying 'you guys'? You'll be fired too," she replied tilting her head towards me.

Yeah, she was kinda right. I wanted to say something but suddenly I felt nauseous and ran to the washroom. I was eating a lot of ice cream these days, maybe that's why.
~Time skip~
It was the weekend again. Jungkook came very early in the morning to pick us up. Hyun was still half asleep so Jungkook picked him up in his arms. A hot guy looked hotter, with a child in his arms!

This time Jungkook brought the driver. The three of us sat in the backseat. It was about three hours ride. The father and son were playing games on their phone and I was getting bored. So I decided to scroll through my news feed.

I was looking at the pictures of Jungkook in the group's media. Then suddenly my phone was snatched away from my hands. "Kookie Fanclub! What kind of group is this!" Jungkook said while scrolling through it.

"Give me back my phone! Don't you think it's rude!" I complained while trying to grab the phone but failed miserably. Then he looked at me and said, "Speaking of rude, taking someone's photos without their permission, what would you call it?"

"Why are you asking me? I didn't take those photos!" I tried to defend myself. "So that's how mom knows everything about the gossips. She must have a fake id!" Jungkook spoke with a serious face. Now I was freaking out internally.

"Are you mad? Can you please ignore this! If you do anything then the girls will kill me," I pleaded. Then his serious face suddenly changed into a cocky one. He smirked and said, "I'll let this one slide, so that you can keep looking at my photos." I closed my eyes and looked away from him. This was so embarrassing!


As soon as the car stopped, Hyun just jumped out of Jungkook's lap and started running. The farmhouse was quite big and there was a huge lawn in front of it. There was a beautiful lake on one side and woods on the other side. All of it looked like a dream to me.

I could see the president in the yard from afar. An old man was also there doing barbecue. I figured it was Jungkook's father. I was busy looking at them when two people approached us.

"Hey Kook, long time no see. How's everything going!" The young man said while hugging Jungkook.

Jungkook looked very happy at that moment. They were probably his family. Then breaking the hug he looked at me.

"Let me introduce you guys. This is my one and only cousin, Taehyung. And that's his wife, Mira," he said looking at me. Then he looked at them and said, "This is YN. And the kid running over there, that's my son."

The expressions on their faces clearly showed that, they didn't expect this news.

#To be continued

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