Valentines- AleXa and Sunmi

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*Valentine's Day*

Alex- Happy Valentine's Day unnie~

Sunmi- Aww~ Thank you Alex! I love it!!

Alex- RLLY?!!

Sunmi- Absolutely!! I love this! And your songs are amazing!!

Alex- Thank you unnie!! So..... Would you-

EXO's Lay: Sunmi you coming?

Sunmi: SHUT UP LAY I'M TAKING TO ALEX!!! So, what were you going to ask?

Alex- Well.... *quietly* Would.... Would you be my girlfriend?...

Sunmi- *grabs AleXa by the hips, pulls her close and kisses her* Of course!!!! I would love to be your girlfriend!!!

Alex- *smiles brightly*

*yes I may or may not ship AleXa and Sunmi, they're badasses on stage but babies irl I can't resist!!!*

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