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Melody: Hey there, Ranger Squad! It's your Lead Director, Melody Crystal, of the Shining Crystal Studios!

Ominous: Hello there, Beauties! It's your Assistant Director, Ominous Crystal, of the Shining Crystal Studios~!

Eodo: Good day, everyone! It's your Artist and Assistant Director, Eodo, of the Shining Crystal Studios!

Misty: And I am Misty Crystal, the youngest sister to Melody-neechan and Ominous-neechan!

All Four: And welcome back for a new season of The New B-Shot!

*Audience Clapping Audio*

All Four: *cheering with excitement*

Melody: That's right, Ranger Squad! Beauties! Everyone! You heard us right here, The New B-Shot is back with it's third season! *holds out three fingers*

Ominous: *giggles excitedly* I can't wait to see some amazing action and cute romance~!

Eodo: And you're going to be seeing some amazing artworks, courtesy of your truly. *points finger at herself*

Misty: And that's not all! The author is going to be making her attempt at doing an original story with an original story line! I mean, the first season was a take on an original story line, but it was her first attempt and didn't know how to write that well! The Author has admit that at herself!

Melody: But the Author believes in herself that she will make the third season and enjoyable season for you, Ranger Squad Members, to be reading about!

Misty: And no worries!

Ominous: With the help of the author's best friend and artist for The New B-Shot, FVenish on Twitter so check her out on there, there are so many ideas that have been planned out for this third season's original story!

Ominous: And, of course, we can't forget about what we mentioned after the end of the second season of The New B-Shot.

Melody: That's right, Ominous. We did mention that in the last update page of The New B-Shot: Season 2. And this announcement is the best moment to introduce our newest member of the group, who's going to be helping us out in many update pages for season three!

Eodo: Although, she goes by a different name on Wattpad, she is still the same commentator who would always comment her reactions to the parts in many chapters that season two came out with.

Melody: All right, let's welcome our newest member: Kayetra!

Kayetra (Kayetra_Violetta): *enters* What's up, everyone!!

*Everyone clapping*

Melody: I'm so glad, and excited, that you're here with us, Kayetra!

Kayetra: Yeah! Just call me Kaye and I can't wait to start working with you guys!

Ominous: Yoy have been loving the TNBS Series so much that the author decided to make you become part of our group!

Eodo: Well... Your creator and my creator are best friends, so it's only the two of us.

Misty: But now, we have Kayetra-san, who is also a good friend to our creators, making it three!

Melody & Ominous: Yeah!!

Eodo: And now... Let's get back to the important stuff in this announcement, aside from having the new and most important member in the group, Kayetra, we should also let them know about what's going to happen in this new season of The New B-Shot!

The New B-Shot: Season Three (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now