Chapter 5: Clarice Darkalia & A Mysterious B-Shot?

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*audience cheering and clapping audio*

Kohana: Hello, readers of The New B-Shot! It's me, your host, Kohana Mai and my partner --

*shows Aries to the camera*

Aries: Ember Aries! Hey there, everyone!

Kohana: *chuckles and pulls back Aries* And we welcome you all to The New B-Shot: Season 3, Chapter Recap!

Aries: Yeah, we're back!

*audience cheering audio, louder*

Kohana: *waves to the camera* Man! It's so good to be back here in this set, Aries! And I did notice some changes to the set.

Aries: Yeah, you're right. It looks freaking awesome, now!

Kohana: You could say that again, Aries. I like the new colors of this set and popping off with the designs on this set, and the staff even bought us a new table for us since the old one waa getting a bit old and had so much scratch marks on top of the surface from the previous table.

Aries: Yeah, very true. We have this new table and it's amazing!

Kohana: But let's not talk about the table and the new set -- let's get to this Chapter Recap, shall we?

Aries: Yeah! Let's do it.

Kohana: So... Chapter 4! Honestly, this chapter was the author's favorite chapter to write and we are only starting out with season three. It starts us off with the start of the first Crossfire Competition for the new season of Crossfire since it's going to be a competition between the B-Shots of Main Island and Crestland.

Aries: That's right. And it's the first time that the Crestland B-Shots are doing solo competitions in CrossFire. Of course, the first competition in the new season of Crossfire is the "Grand Around Attack".

Kohana: That competition was one of the first few competitions before Break Bomber and it was a great experience for the Crestland B-Shots to be competing against everyone else while not being in a duel competition.

Kohana: Riki went first and puts on a competitive performance for everyone to witness, then uses his special move to finish his turn before the timer runs out. They were all amazed and felt more determined, and more competitive against each other.

Aries: But...! It's not an ordinary day for the first competition of the new season of Crossfire.

Kohana: You got that right, Aries. During the competition, the Darkalia's appeared somewhere in East City and getting ready to summon their first Darkalia, but it is not Lilith performing their Darkalia... It's something else.

Aries: And back to the competition! Me and Kohana were the only ones left to do our turn. Of course, Kohana and I had a big plan to win the entire competition.

Kohana: Without anyone noticing, I activated my elemental powers and transferred it into Ember Aries in performing our special move.

Aries: And that would mean that Shiro was able to sense the presence of your magical powers.

Kohana: Very true. At the very end, I took down all of the targets and earning a perfect score. After that, Shiro-chan approached me and congratulating me on my first win in first place, and then she declares me as her rival.

Aries: With that being said, Shiro, Akira, Mac, and Asahi started declaring each other as rivals. They were even saying some things that they will be more stronger than before.

Kohana: But, then... The ground started shaking, which means it wasn't an earthquake but it was questioned by Kamon-kun and Garuburn. After that, Bakuga responds that it wasn't an earthquake, then me and Shiro-chan felt the presence of dark magic. The Darkalia was in the area and we immediately ran out of the arena, then we all noticed that East City was completely ruined.

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