Ryujin birthday 2/2

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But what about you? Aren't you going to get mom something for her birthday ?- mason ask
Me? I wouldn't know where to start, what do you get a women who has everything ?- yeji ask
A hug?- mason said
Somehow , I don't think I could get away with that-yeji said
It's like you said before. You have to put yourself in mom's shoes and think about what she really want - Mickey said

Mason and Mickey share a mischievous grin before dropping into a act of pantomiming their mom's mannerism

Boys , I know you want to be in a rock band and that's awesome ,but mom's need to focus, so let's put the post and pans away- mason said acting mad
Boys, this is the first chance I' ve had to take a hot bath in years, so please , please , please tell me what you just explode in my bath water- Mickey said acting too- it was a bottle of alka-seltzer- Mickey said to yeji.
That's it!- yeji said excited .
Alka-seltzer ?- Mickey ask.
Seem a little boring to me -mason said .
No, I figured out what i should give you mom- yeji said happy.

A few minutes later , yeji is perusing the shelves at a spa center .

What is all this stuff?-mason ask suprised while picking up a seashell bath bomb and sniffing it .
Stuff that make you smell good and feel good,Now let me get your mom a bottle of oil message -yeji said and strat to think( all she need is someone to rub it all over her ).

Well I still don't get it, but if you think mom will like -Mickey said
I do- yeji said while buying it

That evening the kitchen is a war zone of sauce,flour and ingredients yeji didn't even know where in the house .

Is the sauce supposed to be boiling that high ?-yeji ask suprised

Mason skims over the recipe and make a face before looking up to yeji.

Firts ,don't freak out . Second ..... I think we doubled the garlic -mason said worried
That's okay , more garlic more flavor - yeji said while tryin a small taste - mmmmm....delicious

Yeji continue slicing and dicing as the boys garnish the plates. Soon, there's nothing to do but to wait for the entree to cook.

Whew!, I'm exhausted -mickye said
Yeah I don't know how you do this all day every day , yeji-mason said
Well I don't always do a three -course meal ....but it is hard wokrk-yeji said
What time is mom getting home? Do we still have time to get ready ?-mason ask
Get ready?-yeji ask confused
Yeah we always dress up fancy for mom birthday ! Clip-on tie and all- mason said exicted
That's sweet . I'll keep an eye on the food while you guys get ready -yeji said
What? No! If I have to wear something fancy, so do you!- Mickey said
Rigth . I'll just umm.... go look in my closet/ yeji said while going to her clothes and grabbing a pink dress .

The timer rings and yeji rush out to the kitchen to check on the dinner . Yeji find Mickey and mason peeking in the oven,trying to get a closer look.

Beep beep coming through -yeji said while she slip on the oven mitts and pull the dish out.

Okay looks like we just have to plate the dishes and se the table -yeji said
And put the finishing touches on the desert - Mickey said excited

The sound of the elevator dinging interrupts yeji.

Is that your mom? She not supposed to be home yet -yeji said
You have to stall her! Or else the suprised is going to be completely ruin!- mason said
Go, go, go- Mickey said while pushing yeji out in the hallway before she can even protest

Oh!- yeji said
Coming to greet me at the door now,yeji?- Ryujin said teasing her
Ryujin! I wasn't expecting you home so soon... and you brought company
Sorry about that. My employees practically pushed me at the door .something about enjoying my birthday - Ryujin said
Apparently she was coming home to a present none of us even knew about - said the girl that
was with Ryujin.
Yeji, this is lia my assistant-Ryujin said
Come on Ryujin. We're practically sister.just because that's my title at work doesn't mean you have to introduce me to a beautifull women like that- Lia said
Lia, this is yeji, the boys new nanny and a women of impecable virtue - Ryujin said mad
That's Trang's way to introduce someone- lia said
Oh Ryujin knows my virtues are flexible like me- yeji said smilling

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