Chapter one - Strike

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All I could hear was the pounding of my heart, as all other noises were blocked out. The sun beat down on me, daring me to leave. Run away like usual. No, this was important. I couldn't leave or the consequences would be tremendous.
The slam of the metal door opening and scratching of the metal against the concrete floors made my ears ring. Guards fled through the doors of my cell.
The walls kept me safe from the other "monsters" like me. Mine was a low level skill, not much of a skill, there were higher ranks in this prison. They don't think it's a prison, they say it's a luxury. As if the outside world was worse. Many of us here could live normal lives, people not knowing we were special. I could live a normal life.
"Jump her!" a guard yelled. "She's fleeing." My body stiffened at the words. I was laying on my hard bed, not making any attempt at fleeing through the hole in my cell wall.
"Sir, I don't think she is-" a guard started. He looked at me with only concern.
"Yes she is, look at her, it's obviously a trap." A guard came and stood over my bed, he grabbed my arm tightly.
I fell limp as the guard shot my legs with his stun gun. I didn't put up a fight; I couldn't. My forehead got slammed with the butt of a gun and I fell unconscious. I didn't remember much, only being dragged across the cold floor.
"103 may have received damage far worse off then originally suspected," said a muffled voice. I felt a cold metal table under me. My arms and legs were held with leather restraints. I kept my eyes closed.
"She'll be fine," another voice said. "I barely touched her." There was a shuffling of feet and they got closer to me.
"103 will be kept under close eye while we wait for her to awake from her coma." There was a laugh.
"She will be coming back with us. We have her a shiny new padded cell. No windows or outside walls."
"Sir, I'm afraid she cannot-" the man had started. There was a cock of a gun and someone cleared their throat. "I'm sure we can arrange something." I slipped back into unconsciousness, this time I remembered nothing.
"Daisy! What are you doing over there?" my mothers voice filled my head. I was by the pond of our farm house. In the meadows I had seen a butterfly. Thinking long and hard about the butterfly, I started to feel lighter.
My fingers turned into blue wings. My torso a butterflies body. I had transformed into the butterfly. I flapped my arms around and felt myself lift off the ground.
I was only seven. I was seven when my mom sent me off, her own fears taking over, letting the government rip her daughter away from her. I cried that day. I cried out to my mother but she hid in my fathers arms. His eyes were dull and lifeless but I still saw the fear. They feared the unknown and I was just that.
What hurt most, what still hurts me everyday, my sister didn't even say goodbye to me. We were best friends. We did everything together. One day I woke up able to transform, and she left me. She didn't want to see me anymore. She didn't look me in the eyes.

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