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Zach dials Jack's number.

"Hey, I'm home."

"Do you live too far from the park?"

"No, it's really close to my house."

"Great, go to the swings."

"Okay, see ya in a bit." He hangs up and runs downstairs.

"Where are you going Zachary? We have a flight to catch at four a. m."

"Just going for a quick walk, I'll be back in no time." He walks out the door and his face falls.

He forgot he had to catch that flight. Zach is going to be away from Jack for at least a few days.

He sits down on one of the swings and calls Jack.

"Hey cutie." Jack greets.

"Hey I'm here."

"Look behind you silly." Zach turns around and sees Jack and a bag of what it seemed to be food.

"What's that?"

"The best food you'll ever try."

"Jack! You didn't have to..."

"I did, knowing you, you probably didn't eat."

He hands him a wrapped up burrito.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

Zach sighs.

"Catching a flight apparently." He sighs.

"Where to?" Zach grabs his phone and searches for it.

"Paris, the city of love and my gay ass is single as fuck."Jack chuckles.

Zach takes a bite to the burrito and his eyes widen.

"Where do you find all this delicious food?"

"This is from Chipotle...when you get back maybe we could...check out other places?"

Zach checks his schedule.

"I'm free...wow...next year." He sighs.

"What if you and me came here and tried different things, like we're doing now."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, it's absolutely adorable seeing you discover new things."Zach smiles.


"Did you have a childhood or do you need me to teach you how to swing?"

"That is one of the skills I retained from my small childhood thank you very much." They chuckle.

"C'mere." Zach walks in front of him.
"No silly, sit down on my lap."

Zach complies very much confused.

"Jack we're gonna fall."

"Just trust me and hold on."

The brunet closes his eyes and grabs onto the curly head like his life depended on it.

Jack chucked.

"You can open your eyes cutie, I'm not swinging."

Zach slowly opens them and sure enough they were sitting in place.

The curly head wrapped his arms around his waist.

They sat in silence for a while and Zach was almost falling asleep on Jack's shoulder.

"You're really beautiful Zach." The curly head confesses making Zach hide his face in the crook of his neck.

"You're cute too." Jack grabs his cheek and Zach sits up.

The brunet leans in and their lips graze each other.

"I've never saw someone as beautiful as you, I just-"

"Couldn't get you off my mind since you gave me that rose." Zach whispers.


Jack connects their lips together and this time Zach caught on more quickly.

He grabbed onto the curls and pulled Jack more into him. He wanted so much more from Jack. Zach was sure no one's lips could make him feel Jack's make him fell.

As for the curly head, his hands stayed on his waist and slowly slid in his hoodie and grabbed the bare skin and pulled him closer too.

His lips left Zach's and started trailing down his jaw, giving it small playful bites.

Zach grabbed onto the curls more tightly when Jack bit down right under his ear.

"Oh Jack..." He moans lightly and then quickly covers up his mouth.

"Let me hear you." Jack whispers and goes back to his task.

The brunet slid one Jack's hands down to his butt and tugged on his curls.

When the other boy was satisfied with the mark he left, he blew a bit of cold air into it, making a shiver run down Zach's spine.

Jack smirked when he felt goosebumps on his waist.

He pecked him.

"What was that? Not that I didn't like it, that was amazing."

"That was a hickey, also known as a love bite."

"Can I do one to you too?"

Zach gives short butterfly kisses to Jack and bites down on his neck.

"You're gonna bite my neck off!" Jack pulls away.

"I am so sorry."

The curly head starts laughing and surprisingly Zach joined in too.

Suddenly Zach snorted and his eyes widen.

"That was adorable babe."


"You want me to call you anything else?"

"B-Babe is good."Zach smiles.

"Wanna try giving me a hickey again?"

"Maybe we should leave it to another day." They chuckle.

Zach checks the time.

"I should get going, I have to wake up at four a.m." The brunet gets off Jack's lap.

"You have a...situation there."

"Has painful as it would have been, being tucked would help me big time." Jack chuckles.

"Don't worry, it happens to all teenagers."

"If you were anyone else I would've slapped you so hard..."

"Too bad I'm me, huh?" Zach rolls his eyes, but chuckles anyways.

"See you next week mon chérie."

Zach pecks his cheek and walks away.

He walks back home and quickly closes his bedroom door with a happy sigh.

He goes to the bathroom and checks the hickey Jack gave him.

It wasn't very noticeable, only an attentive eye would notice it.

It made him feel...a certain way. A good way.

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