Chapter 25

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Melly POV I received the text from Ari saying that Durk was still alive

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Melly POV
I received the text from Ari saying that Durk was still alive. "Dammit!" I hissed under my breath. This nigga wouldn't die for nothing. It was okay though I had something for that bitch ass nigga. I told Ari to find India's car in the parking lot and place a tracker under the bumper. Everywhere India went I was going to follow. I heard the door open the light turn on. "What are you doing in the dark?" Ari's annoying ass voice came out of nowhere. "Plotting." I simply said. She let out a loud sigh. "Look India is my friend, I don't want nothing bad to happen to her." I laughed at her slow ass. "What makes you think I give a fuck about what you want?" She just looked at me. "I'm not helping you anymore, I'm done with this, if your going to kill me then go ahead." I eyed her. I pulled out my glock and shot her three times in the face. I was tired of this bitch. All she did was nag , she was a waste of space at this point. I grabbed her keys and packed up my clothes, I took her wallet and grabbed the $900 in cash she had in it. Before I left I poured lighter fluid all around the house and set it on fire. I had to burn all evidence of me ever being there. I got into her car and drove off blasting music. I drove to the farthest hotel I could find. I paid for the week and took my stuff up to my room. A week was all I needed to end that nigga Durk and I'm going to move out of this town for good. India will have to die too but not before I have my fun with her. I laid down and decided to get a good nights rest.

Durk POV
All I remember is hearing the first shot and everything going black, I tried to open my eyes but they felt so heavy. I heard a machine beeping and I could feel someone holding my hand. I tried again to open my eyes and this time it worked. A bright light shined in my face. I could barely talk, my throat was dry as hell. I felt the hand that was holding mine get tighter and I heard India's soft voice. "Baby, your awake?" I just looked at her. "Thirsty." I managed to get out and she ran to go get some water. I looked around the room, there was hella get well cards and flowers. I tried to move my body but a sharp pain went up my back. India came back with the water and she helped me drink it. The doctor came in after her. "Hello Mr. Banks, I'm Dr. Monroe, I've been taking care of you since you've been here. Do you know what today is?" I shook my head no. "Okay, who is this here with you?" I looked at India's beautiful face. "India, she's my wife." She smiled a big smile. The doctor told me my injuries and told me that I'd be in the hospital for a few more days just to make sure I'm stable, they want me to at least be able to sit up before I leave and start physical therapy. The doctor finished talking to us for a little bit and then he left. Soon after a officer came in. I clenched my jaw in irritation, I hated the fucking police and this muthafucka looked arrogant as hell. "Hello Mr. Banks, I'm Officer Coley, I'm going to be handling your case. Do you have any known enemies?" He took a pen and pad ready to take some notes. "No." I simply said. "Do you know who might've shot at you?" I looked at him clenching my jaw again. "No." He looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Do you have any idea what so ever why this happened to you." I stared at him emotionless. "No." You could tell he was highly aggravated. "Look, I can't help you if you don't give me some kind of information." I just stared at him silently. "Thank you for your time, if you do get any information please let me know." He got up and left. Rule number 1 to this street shit was to NEVER talk to the law. I looked over at India and she looked so tired. "Have you slept or ate today?" I asked her. She nodded her head no and that shit pissed me off. "India I'm fine, go take care of yourself." She broke down crying. I hated seeing her like this. "Durk I was scared, your my whole world, I thought I lost you." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Baby ima soldier, I'm forever good. I love you." She laid in the bed with me. "I love you too Durk." Soon we fell asleep.

India POV
When I woke up I called Juanita. I had sent her house hunting for a new spot for Durk and I and my siblings. We couldn't stay in my fathers house much longer, too many enemies knew where we laid our head. "Hey, hows it coming?" I said when she answered the phone. "It's going good I found a three story , 7 bedrooms, 8 and a half bathroom, mansion on the out skirts of Chicago, the listing price for it is 1.2 million. I'm sending pictures now."

I looked at the picture and I smiled

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I looked at the picture and I smiled. It was perfect. "I'm sending the money over now, sign for me, and when it's official call Duke and tell him to furnish it for me, he knows what I like. Thanks again Juanita." She agreed and we hung up. My mind was a little more at ease now that I knew we had somewhere else to go. Durk was still sleeping when I left to talk on the phone , I had went down the hall so I wouldn't disturb him. When I went back to his room a nurse was moving frantically around. I rushed in and all his machines were beeping. "What's going on!" The nurse looked just as confused as I did. "I don't know , I got a notification on my pager saying his heart stopped." There was white stuff coming from his mouth, I was in complete shock as more nurses and Dr. Monroe came in. "Get the defibrillator in here now!" He ordered one of the nurses. "Ma'am we have to ask you to leave." I looked at the nurse like she was crazy. "Fuck that I'm not leaving him." I said with tears running down my face. "Please ma'am let us do our job," I stood there for a second and decided I would do as they asked. I stood outside the door crying and praying. I looked in through the window as they took the defibrillator and sent shocks to his chest. Nothing. All I saw was a flat line go across the monitor. My heart completely broke.

To be continued.......

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