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Trio's House
Toni's POV:

"Toni I don't think it's a good idea for you and Red to go out tonight if that Jason guy is being a whole stalker" SweetPea suggested. I know he is only worried and looking out for me but I'm still going to see her regardless.

"I'll be fine Pea don't worry" I said reassuringly. "No tiny I'm sorry but I can't let you..." He said. "Too fucking bad because I'm going" I said getting mad.

"I'm sorry Toni but I'm not going to let you risk your safety for some girl!" SweetPea said raising his voice. "She isn't just some girl Pea!" I yelled back.

"You've only known each other for 3 days! And she's already put you in danger Toni!!" He screamed. "It's not her fucking fault   SweetPea!" I yelled. " well it kinda is considering the fact that her psychotic brother is stalking you!" He fired back.

"Enough!" We heard Fangs yell. "Tiny I don't think you should see her tonight...it's not safe for either of you and if you care about her you'll listen to us.." Fangs spoke softly. I just nodded and went to my room closing the door softly then collapsed on my bed.

I decided to text her and give her a heads up that we won't be able to hang out.

Tiny.Topaz - Hey Cheryl I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea to meet up tonight...

Cheryl_Bombshell - it's ok TT I get it, I'm sorry about everything I'll stay out of your way

Tiny.Topaz - what? No I still wanna be with you. It's just if Jason saw us together...I just don't want you getting hurt Cheryl...😕

Cheryl_Bombshell - oh thank god

Cheryl_Bombshell - I thought you were leaving me 😅

Tiny.Topaz - I literally couldn't do that even if I tried 😫😘

Cheryl_Bombshell - good 😉

Cheryl_Bombshell - I'm upset that I won't get to see you though 🥺

Tiny.Topaz - same 🥺❤️❤️

Cheryl_Bombshell - although... there might be a way...

Tiny.Topaz - and what's that?

Cheryl_Bombshell - you down for a sleepover? 🙃

Tiny.Topaz - Um Cher I don't know if you're aware but Jason lives with you right now...

Cheryl_Bombshell - I know that stupid 😂

Cheryl_Bombshell - how about I go to you? ;)

Tiny.Topaz - you sure Archie is going to allow that? 😂

Cheryl_Bombshell - yea but I would have to tell him everything first...plus he can help cover for me if Jason notices I'm gone 😊

Tiny.Topaz - then I'll be waiting for you 😉

Tiny.Topaz - * Random Address*

Cheryl_Bombshell - kk I'll be there in half an hour then 😊

Tiny.Topaz - hurry! I wanna hug 🥺

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