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"Hello?" she answered in a shaky voice.

"What?... Are you serious? This can't be for real... My god, this can't be happening. Please tell me it's a joke, mom, please" she was full on crying now.
I stood next to her and hugged her tightly.

"Why would you go without me?.. I can't do this anymore, it's all too much, mommy. When are you coming home?... Bye" she whispered and collapsed in my arms.
I carried her to the couch and sat down with her in my arms, trying to comfort her.

"It's gonna be okay, darling. Everything will turn out fine" I cooed.

"That's what people always say, but it it always so? No, it's not! Why does this have to happen? Why did they go without me?"

"They thought it would be better for you not to be there. It's not fun to be there, Kayla. It can be very scary"

"I know, but don't I deserve to have gone, too?"

"Of course you do, but they thought it'll be better this way. Imagine being there now. I mean, look at you and how broken you are. How would that be if you were there? You would be so much worse. It's horrible being in a place like that and seeing something like that. It can traumatize you for the rest of your life"

"But why didn't they tell me? They could've at least waited till I was awake"

"Cause they knew that you'll want to come along if you're awake, so they had to leave before you woke up"

"Can we go there? Please?"

"You're gonna have to ask your mom or dad. I can't just take you there without their permission. There's a reason they left you here in the first place"

"How did you even know?"

"Sean told me and so did your mom"

"Didn't you wanna come along with them?"

"I honestly didn't really feel the need to go, but Sean wanted me to come. And I would've come with them, but your parents wanted me to stay here with you"

"Do they think I need a babysitter?"

"No, but they knew it would be hard for you to have to deal with it alone. It hard for everybody, Kayla. Not only you. But if you have to deal with it alone, it can be even harder. They wanted someone to be here for you to help you let it sink in a little and get used to the fact that this is life. And even though it may seem like everything's horrible at the moment, you'll get through it. Now, call your mom and ask if I can bring you over there"

"Okay, I'll call her" she stood up and went to the phone.

"Hey mom... Yeah, is it okay if she brings me over?... Okay, bye. See you soon" she hung up.

"It's okay. We can go" she looked at me.

"Good. Let's go then"

@lushiouslovato, I'm being an angel for you :P

Next update: Tuesday

Message me of you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

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