ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝

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My heart was beating heavily and fast after our make out session. My body was shaking a bit, but I felt it become more relaxed.

Jimin fell next to me on the sofa and slowly placed me on top of him.

I was hugging him while placing my head on his chest.

We both took sometime breathing.

" Y/N " he said softly breaking the silence.

I looked at him waiting for him to continue.
He looked back at me and stared at me deeply.

"I love you" he said.

My eyes widened at what I just heard.

I was surprised. And kind of scared. Everything was happening so fast.

"I really do love you" he said again and then looked straight.

"And I never want to lose you. Promise me you'll stay with me" he said as he hugged me tighter.

" I promise" I said back.

He then caressed my back gently, and cuddled until I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up later and looked around to find myself in one of Jimin's shirts but I was still on the sofa.

"oh you're awake!" He said as he entered the living room.

I nodded yawning and stretching my arms.

"wait here I'll go run the shower for you" he jogged to his bathroom.

Awh, he was so caring.

Few minutes later, he came back and walked straight to me.

"The showers ready" he suddenly picked me up bridal style.

"what are you doing?" I asked surprised.

"Taking my princess to shower" he said as he carried me.

I giggled blushing at his choice of words and behavior.

He then placed me right outside the shower and said "clean clothes there, hair dryer there" he pointed at each.

"If you need anything else, call me and I'll come running" he winked before leaving.

I smiled thinking how cute he was. He's angelic.

I stepped in the warm shower allowing my body to relax more and stretch. It was so nice to have it after our make out.

During the shower, I recalled everything that happened between Jimin and I this noon.

He was so passionate and devoted. As if he needed me for so long.

Then I remembered something.

I noticed scars on his body. He had multiple scars here and there.

I was so invested in our make-out that I ignored the scars at that time.

But how did he get so many scars? Was he involved in a big fight before? I had to ask him.

After the shower I walked back to the living room where he was playing YouTube on his TV.

I sat there wondering how I'd ask him. But then I just decided to go for it.

"Jimin" I called grabbing his attention.


"what's the story behind the scars you have on your body?" I asked with a tone that was decreasing becoming a low voice.

He stayed quite not answering me.

"it's OK if you don't wanna talk about it" I quickly said when I noticed his silence.

"I'll tell you when the right time comes. I promise"

I nodded thinking maybe it had something to do with a personal matter.

Then, the random Playlist on YouTube played my favorite song.

"That's my favorite song!" I cheered as I stood up.

"Really? I like that song too" he chuckled.

I started dancing along the song and of course I was a terrible dancer.

Jimin watched me in amusement and was trying so hard to contain his laughter.

I didn't care and continued enjoying the song.

"think you can do better? " I challenged him as I did a random dance move making him laugh more.

I laughed too but didn't stop.

"come on Mr. Park show us what you got" I grabbed his hand and pulled him off his seat.

And then he danced.

He was..


He danced exactly to the song choreography and FYI it was really difficult.

My eyes widened at his hidden skills. He was so good, it felt like he was the missing part of the band.

I stood there admiring him and watching him move ever so elegantly.

Once the song ended, I clapped hard for him.

"That was amazing Jimin! I didn't know you could dance too!"

"well it's one of my hobbies" he scratched the back of his neck.

"this hobby should become a career for you. I mean you should be an artist" I said.

He laughed and said "I do like to express art but... in different ways" he smirked.

"what genres can you dance to?" I asked in curiosity.

"Almost all genres" he said.

"can you do ballet?" I asked with a wild smile.

"yeah I can"

"show me please"

He played a song from his Playlist and danced ballet.

I sat on the sofa admiring his body movements.

Damn he was so good. And I was happy that this guy right here, was my boyfriend. I felt really happy and proud watching him.

Park Jimin: The Psychotic LoverWhere stories live. Discover now