Music shop

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Tessa's P.O.V

I ran fast into the music shop hoping it didn't close I really needed the Arctic Monkeys album on vinyl. Quickly bursting through the door I smacked into some guy landing flat on my ass. "Hey watch it!" I shouted picking myself up. "Sorry you should really watch where you are going next time." The boy with the red hair said. "I'm Michael by the way. "Tessa, sorry I snapped I'm just on a direct mission today." "And what's that?" "I need the Arctic Monkeys on vinyl." "Here let

me help you find it." He smiled. As we wondered through the store I finally found my record. "Got it!" I smiled. "Good hey Tessa do you wanna go do something after this?" "Uh sure. I'm starving." "Good I know a great pizza place that's like 15 minutes from here." "Cool." After I paid for my record Michael and I hopped in his car, thank God I rode the bus, and drove up town. We sang along to green day, obviously I was off key making him laugh. "It's not funny!" I pouted like a 5

year old. "Yes it is!" He laughed as I hit his arm. Once we got there we found a cute little booth off in the corner. "Um let's see can we share a pepperoni pizza?" I asked. "Yeah sure." *** laughing as Michael managed to cover half his face in pizza sauce I said. "We should do this more often!" "We should you are pretty cool Tessa." "You as well Michael." "Alright I've got to ask you some questions." He smiled. "Ask away." "GreenDay or Blink?" "You suck epically both!"

"Okay so you do listen to good music but, pizza or tacos?" "Um pizza defiantly." "Okay last one would you consider this a date?" "Um no but you can take me out on a real one." I smirked. "Okay I'll see you Friday at 6?" "Works for me! Now I've got some questions of my own." "Okay." "Who many times have you dyed your hair?" "I honestly lost count." He smiled. "Pepperoni or sausage?" "Your crazy!" "Hmm Nirvana or Def Lepord?" "I can't even answer that." He said. "Well

as fun as this was I really must get going." "Okay I'll drive you home." As we drove to my apartment I tried my best to sing on key to more songs. "Oh this is my building!" I said pointing to the crappy place. "Let me walk you in." "Okay." Climbing endless flights of stairs "oh um here we are." I smiled opening the door. "Would you like to come in?" "Uh I gotta get going maybe some other time." Instead of answering Michael I leaned in fast placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"You missed." He smirked. "Excuse me?" "You missed." He smiled kissing my lips." "Is this the part where you murder me?" "No." he laughed running a hand through his blood red hair. "alrighty Tessa who is this?" my roommate smirks. "Alyssa this is Michael." "hi." he smiles. "yeah um come on Tess we've got finals tomorrow." "Oh yeah sorry I forgot." I sheepishly smiled. "Yeah no it's fine." He smiled. "Um okay well I'll see you Friday!" I smiled hugging him. "Oh yeah

Friday!" He said. Shutting the door behind Michael I frowned at Alyssa. "Really?" "Yeah you can't date him." "And why not?" "Because he's bad news I see him at bars and he hangs around that dirty music shop!" "Well I happen to like that music shop so I think he's a keeper." "Uh fine but if you go to jail I'm not bailing you out!" "What makes you think I'd call you?" I smirked walking to my room. "Tessa!" Michael and I will probably have a bright future together and it started at that dirty music shop.

《 okay so in honor of this being the first imagine, out of many, I hope you liked it!》

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