Into the Unknown...

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Last time on The New MacGyver

"I wanted to finish what I was saying, before Katsuki cut me off," the teacher starts, "I am proud of you, my son."

Izuku nods and says, "Thanks dad, that means a lot."

"There is one more thing that I would like to tell you about," Mr. Midoriya continues, "you aren't actually quirkless..."

Now back to the story...

Izuku's mouth dropped. He had a quirk. The thought of having a quirk was long ago escaped him. He had to double check that he wasn't hallucinating.

"Could you repeat that, because I thought you just said I had a quirk."

"Yes son. You have a quirk and it is called the MacGyver Effect." (original, right?)

"So. . . this. . . you've been. . . lying to me," Izuku slowly asks between his quick, raspy breaths.

"Son, let me explain, you see. . .," Angus starts.

"See what? See that you have been hiding something that could've changed my childhood? See that you aren't trustworthy? See that you are a terrible father?" Izuku starts to ramble off while tears start to well up in his eyelids.

Izuku runs off without even letting his dad explain. Through all the tears running down his face, he saw a figure in the hallway walking in the same direction as he is. Before he could stop, he ran into said person and they fall face first into the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going! Please forgive me." Izuku rambles on.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not hurt, just a little frazzled by the fall," a feminine voice came back.

After taking a deep breath, Izuku got a good look at the girl in front of him. She had shoulder length hair that is a chocolate brown hair that matches her beautiful brown eyes. She was wearing a black shirt and a matching skirt with a red scarf around her neck.

"You okay there?" The girl asks Izuku while moving her face toward his.

Izuku starts to blush at how close the girl was to him.

"I. . . I. . . I'm fine. By the way, my name is Izuku Midoryia. What is your name?"

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Nice to meet you," she says with a wide smile.


Mwhaha... I am evil. I honestly just thought it would be a good place to end this chapter. I wanted to get this chapter out to you guys. Thank you to all who are reading this story.

If you guys have enjoyed this version of Izuku and Ochaco meeting, please vote. If you guys have any ideas for this story, please comment them here. 

Otherwise, until next time.

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