Chapter 2

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Two weeks have passed since Louis kissed Harry. Summer camp has ended and the two boys have avoided each other at all costs. At church, the two avoid eye contact. They act just as they did before summer camp, paying no attention to the other.

Louis maintains a strong facade in front of everyone, however, when he's alone he is fragile. His thoughts are unbearably painful. He reckons something is wrong with him. His biggest regret is kissing Harry. He not only lost his best friend, he lost his consciousness of being deemed "normal."

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July 30, 1978                 8:54 a.m.
Oak Baptist Church                Sugar creek, Ohio

Robin cleared his throat as the congregation took a seat on the wooden church pews.

As Robin preached the Sunday's sermon, Louis couldn't help but peak at Harry. His mind swarmed with countless questions. He began to lose interest in the sermon and interested in his momentary daydreams. His thinking was interrupted once he felt a harsh slap against the back of his head. Jay had noticed his lack of engagement with today's service. He lowered his head and opened his Bible.

The sermon had felt of hours long, however, in reality it was only 40 minutes. Once the service ended, the congregation greeted each other before leaving. Louis tried to book it to the parking lot- to avoid needless conversations- when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. Louis turned around and was faced with his mother and the pastor, Robin.

"Louis, I was just telling Robin how much fun you had at camp!" Jay exclaimed. As she talked to Robin, she held Phoebe and Daisy's hands. Louis smiled up at Robin.

"That's great! I'm so glad you liked being a counselor. Tonight I'm hosting a Summer supper at my house. I've invited all the counselors from camp and their families. Surely you'll swing by?" Robin asked Louis, but looked at Jay.

"Tonight?" Louis asked, but was cut off by his mother.

"We'd love to come!" Jay smiled as she shook Robin's hand.

As Robin shared the details of tonight's plans with Jay, Louis collected his sisters and walked to the car. They waited for their mother to exit the church. Tonight, the Tomlinson family will be eating at their pastor's family house. Harry would be there. What was Louis to do?

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July 30, 1978                 7:45 p.m.
Robin Twist's home              Sugar creek, Ohio

"Fix your collar before we go in!" Jay nagged Louis as the Tomlinson family approached the door.

The Tomlinsons opened the already unlocked screen door to the Twist's home and was immediately greeted. There were dozens of people from the church already present, the Tomlinsons must have been the last family to arrive. Jay sauntered into the dining room with her green-bean casserole as the girls ran through the house. Louis stood awkwardly against the olive green living room walls. He observed the other families chattering from afar. He counted down the hours until the dinner would be over with.

"Did my dad drag you here?" Harry asked, breaking Louis' train of thought. Louis quickly turned his head, but saw Harry was talking to someone else. Louis lowered his head in embarrassment and walked to the dining room.

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