Chapter Eight

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MIA SAT AT THE DESK in front of Scott, anxiously tapping her pen against her notebook as the teacher began returning their most recent tests. She hadn't gotten to do a lot of studying for the test and was silently praying that she had done decently on the exam.

The brunette could hear her twin talking to their best friend, but chose to ignore him for as long as possible. She was still annoyed that he had eaten the last Oreo cookie, which was rightfully hers, and then put the empty box back into the cabinet.

Sure she was being petty, but he knew that Mia had wanted that cookie more than anything. He had even pretended to not know anything about it until Mia threatened to get rid of his Boba Fett action figure. Her threatening of the coolest bounty hunter's action figure ended when the older of the duo mentioned what he had noticed earlier that night.

"You seemed upset when Scott was talking about Allison. Are you okay?" Stiles had asked with a kind smile on his face. He listened to his sister lie to him about not feeling well, but he knew her better than that. "If it bothers you, you can always talk to Scott."

Mia had shaken her head at the thought of telling Scott about anything she had been thinking of since he had fallen for Allison. It wasn't like she had anything against the new girl, but she didn't know how to describe what she was feeling. Allison seemed to be really sweet, and she seemed to make Scott happy. If someone could make Scott happy, they were always appreciated by Mia, but she didn't understand why the thought of Allison and Scott made her stomach bubble.

"It's nothing." She reached for the box of chocolate chip cookies that were hidden at the back of the cabinet. "Scott's finally happy, so I'm happy for him."

Mia's attention was brought back to class as the teacher placed a test paper on her desk. She looked at the red pen marks on the page and sighed before looking at the top, where her score was written.

"Good job me," Mia whispered to herself. Her lips pulled into a smile as she looked at her paper, which was marked with a bright red A.

She turned around as her brother told their best friend that he needed to study more, only to see his grade on the paper.

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