How you both act at school

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You just headed into the school shivering, since it's winter time. Kyle was waiting for you at your locker and y'all hugged and he gave you a small kiss. He would have a faint blush every time. If you guys had a class together he would sit by you so you guys could hold hands under the table. He'd sneak compliments when the teachers talking and since he's big brain he'd help you do your worksheet or project or homework or just do it for you regardless. He's sweet like that djndndnd

You just got done putting your stuff in your locker and Stan was in both of your next classes. Science. He would make you sit by him even though he'd probably throw up. You would constantly wave at your best friend from across the room making the teacher yell at you both. You and Stan would pass notes bc he wouldn't wanna get yelled at. Even ThoUgh y'all are sitting right next to each other. He'd hold your hand sometimes if he didn't feel sick.

My dude would flirt with you 24/77777. He'd always wink at you if you're both separately talking to your friends. Constantly would whisper dirty shit in your ear during class causing you to smack him and your face would emit in red. He'd just plaster a smile on his face. Cutest thing evER. But if you guys were alone like let's say no one was in the classroom or if you guys suddenly run into each other in the empty hallways during class he'd probably try to make out with you or push you up against the lockers.

Would ask you constantly to stand or sit by him. Had the need to constantly show you off to every guy he sees that he has a girlfriend. If you were talking to someone else or your friend he'd yell "Y/NNN, MY BELOVED GIRLFRIEND COME OVER HERRREEEE!" Your face would turn red and you'd be embarrassed. He wouldn't wanna do pda but if you forced him or bribed him with chicken damn that boy is gonna be stuck to you all day.

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