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Basically you and him found each other at 3am. What are you guys doing?

You were probably out driving around by yourself. It was now Saturday morning and you just couldn't fall asleep. You saw him randomly walking down the sidewalk and you pulled over. To be honest he looked scared since he couldn't see you at first. You rolled down your window and shouted, "yo, get in the car." He kinda laughed and got in the passengers side. Y'all talked about random shit and got ice cream cuz yuh.

You just picked up something off the shelf at Walmart and put it in your basket. You almost dropped it when you felt hands going around your waist. You were hella scared cuz it was like 3 am. You were about to punch the fool when you looked at the person and it was stanley. You almost hit stan shame on you. but anyways he forced you to let him pay for ur tings. y'all left and he offered to bring you to the park but you both came in cars so you both drove to the park. you both had a noice night.

you had a rough day and went to drive around late into the night. you saw a certain tall and skinny kid with an orange parka. and along side him was a small, brunette girl, his younger sister, Karen. she was in tears as she held her brothers hand, with a cute doll in the other hand. kenny had a sad expression on his face. they were walking on the sidewalk with their stuff in bags. you were worried and confused at the same time. you pulled over and rolled down the window and asked if they needed a place to stay. they said yes and they got in your car. you asked what had happened and kenny looked close to tears once again. up close, you could see slight bruises and blood on his face. "ok kenny, what the hell happened?!" you asked, clearly freaked out. "at home... it got bad. my dad started beating up my mother then i tried to interfere and it scared my sister-" he stopped himself so he wouldn't cry. "i feel horrible for Karen, i just care so much for her you know? i don't want her life to be as shitty as mine is..." he quieted down.
you brought them to your house and your parents let them stay the night. they were both really grateful.

lmao you trying to eat somewhere but fatass out here being a karen and yelling at a clearly pissed off manager. you put your hood up, very embarrassed. you went to the next line and started to order. "Y/N..?" you slowly turn. "uhhh... oh! uh eric! didn't see you hehe.." he didn't buy it and forced you to eat with him. he paid for your stuff and ate half of it. fun. he offered to bring you home and you were like ok betttt do it. he brought you home, and he said "we're hanging out with the guys tomorrow i don't care if you say no we're going." so apparently you had plans for the next day.

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