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After the teen witch explained everything to her, the siren finally spoke her eyes wide with all the information they gave her. Although Bonnie Bennett said Elena needed the help, the siren was given different information.  Her scrambled mind it told her to take care of Bonnie first and second came in anyone else she cared for.

The soaking girl's eyes held fire but in a good way or at least Bonnie saw it in a good way. The young girl was intimidated, the Siren could smell the fear like a vampire can smell blood.

The fear of a Bennett witch made her life full. As long as she knew they were still fearing for their lives, she was ok.

On the other hand she felt great, amazing even. She was just happy starting this whole life thing with no bad blood against anyone. Or feeling an intense amount of pain, she was glad and thankful that her of all people were released.

"Help you kill a hybrid who's after the doppelgänger and your witch" she pressed a hand under her chin as her tongue stuck out of her mouth then laid against her top lip as she thought. "It'd be a pleasure." Her smile made the room light up.

Damon smirked walking over to the girl grabbing her hand and spinning her around to face him taking the opportunity to use his own charming powers, that made just about any woman in town swoon.

"You should know I'm the one that threw that necklace in the water."

She hummed amused. "Really?"

He nodded like a child handing her the necklace and she smiled sweetly and took the necklace into her palm giving Damon a look and turning around to face the others who watched her like a hawk.

"Well whatever you need I'll grant. Think of me as your genie but the wishes have no limit."

Everyone smiled at that even Bonnie who was still not sure if she made the right choice on letting her back onto the real world but now she could see this girl was probably misunderstood.

"But the only thing I ask from all you is , If we can have this meeting on hold i would like to rest for a bit, and maybe change?" she said running a hand over her wet dress.

Her feet were cold along with her hands, and she was still dripping water, she was sure if she were able to get one she'd have a cold, a really bad one too.

Elena nodded giving Stefan a reassuring look before taking the girl upstairs. She didn't know how to feel about another female in the presence of the boarding house.

Usually it was just her or bonnie.

Caroline didn't like coming over to the boarding house do to past experiences with a certain raven headed man, and she knew Damon hated Bonnie and that Bonnie hated both vampires so nothing would happen, but the siren wasnt just some other mystic falls teen girl she was beautiful and stood out with her enchanting features and her dark eyes.

Even with the hideous beaten up dress on she looked like royalty. Elena was jealous and wasn't ashamed of it.

The dark skinned girl wrapped the necklace around her wrist like a bracelet and turned to the human who was a bit to tense and quiet for her liking.

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