『15』His Phobia

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Lmao I finally updated! Also this chapter's a lil bit angsty so yeah...

Now here we are like 5 days later... I think? Maybe 6. Either way it's the last day of the prank wars.

"No." Zuku stared at Roman.

"Nononononononono." He said staring at his feet.

"Oh yes bitch." Roman grinned.

"How am I supposed to get out of this?" Zuku asked faking being calm.

"That sounds like a you problem." Roman smirked.

"Roman... if those things come anywhere near me I will not hesitate to end your life." He said as his breathing got shaky.

"Oh so you wouldn't like it if I did... this?" Roman teased and knocked over the bucket.

"Roman, roman ahh!" Zuku shrieked and tried to thrash his legs around.

"Get these mother fuckers away from me!" Zuku yelled on the verge of tears.

"Hey guys, what was that yell I just-Oh My God What The Fuck!" Denki yelled in alarm.

He had heard what sounded like a little girl shrieking and had ran into the room. What he wasn't expecting to see was Zuku's legs trapped in concrete in a kiddie pool surrounded by rats and screaming.

"Roman what's going on?"

"A prank."

Zuku continued screaming and trying to break his feets free and run away. He felt a hot tear roll down his cheek and couldn't suppress the memories that rose up from the depths of his mind.

"Roman you ass!" Oliver yelled, apparently no one had noticed he was here. He had a rare expression of pure anger.

"O-Oliver." Roman said nervously. He had been caught red-handed and a pissed off Oliver was a truly terrifying sight to behold. Everyone knew if you were on the receiving end of that people might as well be planning his funeral.

"What's going on?" Denki asked obliviously. Why was Izuku so scared. They were just mice and he was literally a pro hero.

Oliver shot him an annoyed look that scared Denki shitless and literally made him sweat. "Zuku has musophobia."

That was all he said before stepping into the kiddie pool and being careful not to step on the numerous creatures scurrying under foot.

Going as quickly as possible he grabbed the bucket and rounded up the rats into it. Once the last one was inside Zuku took a shaky breath in and his trembling lessened.

"Kaminari go get that acid quirk girl." Oliver said. "Now!" He yelled seeing as Denki wasn't going at the pace he wanted.

"Yes s-sir!" Denki stuttered and sprinted out the door. He quickly headed towards the room Mina and Hagakure tended to hang out in.

Those two were often the ones to deal with sidekicks and new recruits as well as Denki and Kirishima so that's where they probably were, working with the newbies.

He ran down the hallway and threw open the doors.

"Mina-chan come with me!" He said frantically. He didn't know what exactly he had gotten himself into but he wanted out as soon as possible.

"Um Denki-kun you good?" She asked.

"Please just come with me." He pleaded.

"O-okay." She said as he practically dragged her down the hallways. Okay not practically, he did drag her down the halls.

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