Who are you?

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"THUD!!" I wake up hearing something hit the walls I went down stairs to the kitchen were I heard the noise from that's when I hear Jeff  say something " WHY DON'T YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND THAT SALLY CAN'T DO ANYTHING SHE'S USELESS" I stopped right there while the others start arguing with him I go back up stairs and decided to leave this hell I jumped out of my window with some stuff I needed I started running as fast as I could but I stopped when I saw a blue light "how pretty" without thinking I went in. I fell down on cold floor. "Crekkk" a door opened, a boy who looked around my age entered the room. That's when I say " want to play with me"  while smiling.


I enter my bedroom only to hear a female voice say play with me and then I see a pair of green eyes I then got closer to her only to find a girl with a bleeding forhead I got really sacared and then

ran to my mom and dad ¨MOM DAD THERE IS A GIRL WITH A BLEEDING FORHEAD ¨ Take us to your room!!!! (In his room) there she is

             With The Creepypast
Jane: Sally can I come in ~ silent ~ Sally I'm coming in okay ~opens the door~ sallyy where are you ~ shivers~ it's cold in here ~ looks at window~ wait... Did Sally run away SLENDER MAN!!!!


The boy got closer but then he turned around and screamed. I see the boy run out the room and then come back
with his mom & dad I think they come near me and they say¨Come out ¨ with a serious vocie I then come out all they
say is ¨Who are you ¨ I respond nicely and say "sally, my name is Sally nice
to meet you" while curstsying

William P.O.V
When Chirs told us there was a girl with a bleeding forhead I told him to take us to his room
I say who are you she tells us her name is Sally
why are you hear she then starts to cry she then
says ¨,my family member say am useless because
daddy won't let me kill people because am to young¨, why do you kill people and why is your
forhead bleeding I ask she then say ¨, Because we are the creepypast and we kill people because some of us are dead already¨,

I just have to smile and get over with my storytelling


Sally williams x Chris aftonWhere stories live. Discover now