(1) Joanne's Diary

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Chapter 1:

Dear Diary,

Two months.

Two months, until my birthday. I can't wait. I don't want much, just some books. Nothing much. But I think Mum has got me something real good because I saw her stash a couple of things in the cupboard. I have to go now, chores are calling my name. Bye.

Love Joanne. ♥

She placed her diary in her special box and shoved her box under her bed. That was the spot she'd hide her diary. Occasionaly I would catch her writing in her diary. She wouldn't approve of me watching and would shoo me away. She took her chore list from her bed side table.

Vacuum house. Feed Snowball. Wash dishes.

She moaned as she read the list. Chores wasn't what she intended to do daily. I wasn't yet permitted to doing chores since I was only 5. Although, I would still help if something needed doing. She ran down the stairs and into the back garden. Where our family shed was, and where our vacuum was kept. She rummaged through the untidy shed, passing through old, abandoned toys and clothes too tight for me and Joanne. We always said we'd give them to someone who needs it, but we just didn't have the time. Now, we have no choice but to keep them. It's one of the little things connected to Joanne. I - for one - am glad that we didn't give it to a charity. Not being mean, but we kind of need it right now.

"There it is!" Joanne cheered as she pulls out the vacuum.

She rushed back inside with the vacuum in her hand. Her long, blonde hair flowing through the wind. Her blue eyes as elegant and beautiful as sapphires. I had always envied her for her beauty. Even back when I was five. Even now, I can still picture how gorgeous she looked on her birthday. She was always a fool for fashion. I'll wear whatever I have. She'd wear whatever looks good. I'd spend minutes on my hairstyle and make-up. She'd spend hours.

"Hello, Joanne" Mum said. "Doing your chores alright?"

"Yup!" She said.

"Better leave you to it then!" With that Mum strolled up the stairs, into her and Dad's bedroom.

She carried on. I don't want to go into much detail of how she vacuumed the house. Mainly because it's not important. She vacuumed the living room, the hallways, the stairs, her bedroom, my bedroom and Mum and Dad's bedroom. It isn't very intresting, especially at the age I was then. Joanne's next chore was to feed our beloved pet, Snowball. I loved Snowball. We named her Snowball because of her absolute fluffy white fur. She'd roam the house at night. Occasionaly, Mum would let her sleep with me or Joanne. It was such fun having Snowball beside me, I would tell her all my secrets. And he wouldn't tell anybody. Well, of course he wouldn't, he couldn't talk. But that's what I believed then. Snowball's old now, not what she used to be.

Joanne retrieved the dog food from the kitchen and dumps half of it in the dog bowl.

"Snowball!" She called.

Snowball came running in, diving into her food. She was always a slave to food.

"Good girl." Joanne congratulated Snowball. She strokes Snowball as she eats her food and walks away. 

Joanne sighs as she walks toward the sink. She absolutely hated washing dishes. She'd do anything then wash dishes. I quite enjoy washing dishes. It gives me time to think of things I could do for the day, or I study mathematic questions in my head. Anything that keeps me occupied. Joanne puts on the soggy gloves. She hated the feeling of the rubber gloves on her hand. She'd say it always ruins her manicure. I don't understand why she'd get a manicure when she knew she'd have to wash the dishes. When she was done, she let out a great sigh of relief.


After successfully finishing all her chores. She'd come to my room. She'd play with me for a while. We'd play all sorts. Barbies, Happy Families, and she'd teach me how to draw. I loved it when Joanne played with me. I felt a warmth. Like giant arms were forming around me, giving me a hug. Joanna used to give me the nicest hugs. I miss Joanne.

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