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J-Line POV:

"Momo-yah. Sana-yah. Mina-yah!" the rabbit yelled from the door

The penguin opened it to see her unnie crying "NAYEON UNNIE!" Mina hugged the crying latter "Unnie what's wrong?" She guided the older to the couch while Sana handed her a glass of water

"J-Jeong... S-She..." Nayeon tried speaking "Jeong? You mean School Meal Clubs manager?" Momo tilts her head as she looked curiously at Nayeon "Y-Yes... S-she.. C-chatted m-me asking me T-to meet h-her..." Nayeon manage to say between sobs

"So? Why are you crying?" Mina asked worriedly "I don't know what to do... I mean... We broke up 7 years ago but I can't help but feel attracted to her... What do I do?" Nayeon covered her face with her hands.

The 3 Japanese sighed and comforted the older "Do you still love her?" Mina asks which Nayeon shrugged before nodding "I'm not sure of my feelings..." Nayeon said "Meet her" Sana said "What?" The rabbit looked at the squirrel

"Talk to her unnie. Look, we may not remember some of our past but it's best that way right? It's better to forget the past and keep moving forward" Sana said while smiling "Yeah... But what if she'll hate me when she saw me?" Nayeon gulps at the thought

"Unnie. You're the most beautiful girl we've seen through our 20 years of living. You've been our mother ever since kinder unnie. Plus, let's not forget your iconic 'I'm Nayeon, I'm Pretty' line" Momo chuckled and so did the others

"Y-Yeah... You're right! I'm Nayeon and I'm pretty! Thanks guys" Nayeon hugged the three japanese girls then left

Nayeon POV:

I didnt bother to reply to Jeongyeon after i read her message. I've missed her so much.

I waited for her outside Park Entertainment. This entertainment company was built by my best friend Park Jihyo. We still talk but not that often since she's always busy.

As if on cue, I saw Jihyo and Jeongyeon come out of the elevator, they were talking about something. I could only hear some of their conversation

"So after the fan meeting. They need to head straight to the dorm to rest because the day after they'll be participating in a variety show where they can be paired with three lucky fans" I heard Jihyo explain to Jeongyeon

"so basically they need to have exactly 9 hours of rest, 8 hours to practice and the rest of the hours would be the whole variety show?" Jeongyeon asks "Look at you being smart. This is why you were a nerd back then" Jihyo chuckled which made me chuckle also

I remember when Jeongyeon would look really bad ass but she still kept her time with learning despite being a playgirl.

I sighed and walked up to them "U-Um... H-Hey guys" I shyly waved at them. They looked at me with surprised expression "N-Nayeon?" Jeongyeon said shocked at my presence "Hey Jeong.." I waved with a smile

"Yes Hi. I am here too ahem" Jihyo said sarcastically which made me laugh "i missed you too Ji" I hugged her before looking back at Jeongyeon. She was still shocked "Looks like you guys have something to talk about... I'll go ahead now. I still need to check on ITZY.. See you guys later" Jihyo waved before leaving

I looked at Jeongyeon, she was looking everywhere except my eyes. Seriously whats wrong with this girl, I'm the prettiest woman alive smh

"Jeong..." I finally said. She then looked at me with a scared expression "Nayeon.. I'm sorry for what I did before.. I was too much of a coward to tell you the truth.. I was scared and alone.. I was terrified that you won't accept me.. I was just a kid and--" she continued ranting when I could just chuckle

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