Chapter 37 {Narrative}

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Before the shooting of episode 2

Room 330, School Meal Clubs room.

"DAHYUNNIIEEEE! CHEEWIEEEE WAKE UPPPP!!!!" The two were unexpectedly woken up by a happy Cub "UGHHHH CHAENG! Its too earlyyyy!" Dahyun hid her face with the pillow  "It's never too early to start your work my friends!" Chaeyoung smiled widely before jumping on their bed "COME ON WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Chaeyoung yelled

Tzuyu groaned "Chaeyoung go to sleep!" Chaeyoung stopped on Tzuyu's bed then layed down on the tall latter "I just can't! The sky's awake~ so I'm awake~ so we have. To. Play~" The smol girl copied the line in the movie Frozen. Dahyun chuckles then lays on top of Chaeyoung "Alright. What's up Chaeng, why so happy?" The tofu asked

Chaeyoung smirked "Because now, I have a girlfriend~" Dahyun and Tzuyu's eyes widened "G-girlfriend?" Dahyun was heartbroken again. First, Momo only treated her as a friend, sure her crush for the older girl wasn't that long but her crush for her co-member. She loved the Cub even before they debuted so it's pretty long considering they've been friends eversince they were kids.

Tzuyus eyes looked over to Dahyun, you can see how hurt the place girl was feeling. Tzuyu knew Dahyun was in love with Chaeyoung so she tried her best to help her friend. That is why DubChaeng is a superior ship in the scouts family. "who in their right mind would date you Chaeng?" as expected from the savage maknae "Excuse you that idiot you're talking about is Myoui Mina!" Chaeyoung crossed her arms. Tzuyu's eyes widened "M-Mina?" she asked. Chaeyoung nodded "Of course it's Mina! It has always been Mina" The Cub said dreamily.

Tzuyu can't believe what she's hearing. It's like history repeating itself "And how long would you guys be dating?" The tall girl asked "Just for a week and once she falls for me we're official! How'd you know?" Dahyun was in the merge of crying "Congrats Chae!" Dahyun hid her sadness behind the bright smile, like what she would always do. "One week... Dahyun heartbroken... Why is history repeating?" Tzuyu mumbled "What did you say Tzu?" Chaeyoung and Dahyun raises both of their brow "I... I don't know if I should tell you guys..." Tzuyu mumbled

Chaeyoung and Dahyun's eyes furrowed "Tell us CHOU." Oh boy, Tzuyu thought. Whenever her unnies would call her by her surname, she knew she'd have to come clean. "I don't think I should be the one to tell you guys considering... I was also part of the accident... Which caused me to forgot most of the things... That happened" Tzuyu's voice slowly turned out as she finishes her words.

"Then tell us what you know." Dahyun said seriously. Tzuyu gulps "OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME! WE BETTER GO NOW! DON'T WANT JIHYO TO SCREAM AT OUR POOR EARS LA LA LA LA LA IM SO HAPPY HAHA!" Tzuyu immediately ran out of the room "CHOU TZUYU!" the two smol babies ran after the tall maknae

They looked like idiots running around their room, trying to catch the tall maknae. Just then a knock was heard "Hey guys, The shooting is about to sta--" the directors sentence was cutted when Tzuyu ran past him "Thanksforremindingusoppa! We'llseeyouatthecafé bye!" Tzuyu said immediately "CHOU TZUYU COME BACK HERE AND TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!" Chaeyoung and Dahyun was next to run past their director. The director scratched his head then shrugs.

"MINA UNNIE MINA UNNIE MINA UNNIE MINA UNNIE!" Tzuyu keeps yelling, trying to avoid the two smol girls wrath. Once they finally caught the tall maknae, the room door opened revealing Sana in a loose white tank top and sleepy eyes "Hot.. Mama..." Tzuyu mumbled. Sana's sleepy eyes widened once she heard Tzuyu

"aaaaaaaaAAAAAHAHHHHHHHH!" Sana slammed the door while phanting "Sana-Chan, you okay?" Momo asked "T-Tzuyu... S-saw... AH!" Sana collapses on the door. Just then another knock was heard "H-Hey um... Can you guys let us in..." Dahyun was heard behind the door. Momo shook her head at Sana and was about to open the door when Sana hugged her leg "M-Momo ring d-dont--"

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