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first taste of a new beginning.

Not many things are constant in life but Aster's unsurety definitely seems to be

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Not many things are constant in life but Aster's unsurety definitely seems to be. That was on the red-heads mind as she grabbed another box from the moving truck and brought it in the elevator. It's been three months since her best friends dropped the move out bomb on her and she was currently moving in with her Aunt Abby to help take care of her grandma. She was nervous, how could she not be? Aster has always been calculating when it comes to her life. Every decision she's made has benefited her and she wants to keep things that way.

Aster's dad follows closely behind the young adult with two boxes stacked ontop each other in his hands. They both settle into the elevator, Aster's younger brother, Pete, taking a place in between the two his eyes glued to the gaming device in his hand. The tension is palpable, Aster's foot anxiously tapping is the only sound that fills the elevator as she watches the numbers slowly change.

"I don't know why you're doing this," Aster's father speaks up breaking the silence.

Aster sighs in exhaustion, choosing not to respond. She couldn't handle another argument.

"Abby is already burdened with Patricia, you don't need to add on more stress for her."

Aster snaps her head towards her dad, glaring at him fiercly. "Grandma is not a burden.. and I'm not going to add more stress. I'm going to help her, unlike you who just wants to ship grandma off to a facility."

"She would be better taken care of at a home," Aster's dad, Matthew, says firmly making eye contact with his daughter.

"She would be better taken care of by her family!" Aster shouts. "Which is why I'm doing this because you don't abandon family. You don't give up on them because you think they're too much to handle."

Matthew sighs. "You're 21 years old Aster, you should be in a college dorm. You sh-"

"You're right about one thing dad," Aster firmly cuts him off, making sure her glare meets his eyes.

The two Clark's share a lot of similar physical features, Aster remembers when she was younger people would always tell her she takes after her daddy. But as Aster glares into eyes so similar than hers, she realizes how wrong they were. She might look a lot like him but for as long as she can remember they've always been on opposite sides.

"I am 21 years old, which means you don't get to have a say in what I do anymore," Aster retorts before the elevators dings letting them know they are at their floor. Aster grips the box in her hands tighter and storms out the elevator, leaving her dad and brother behind.

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