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If there had ever been a time in which Nikolai thought he’d hit the highest point of his anger, then what he felt now was – at the very least – double that.


“Ni-Nikolai? This is _-_____, I-I’m calling f-from the phone at w-work. Listen, N-Nikolai, I need you to call the police right now–”

“Why? _____, are you alri–”

“Just hurry, Nikolai! T-Tell them to go to my workplace, we-we’re having an emergency. Quick, th-they’re c-coming upstai– …”

“Hello? _____!? _____!”

A shiver ran through Nikolai’s body at the mere thought of your phone call from earlier, his blood boiling as he gripped the steering wheel so tightly that it squeaked under the pressure. Whatever speeding limit it was, Nikolai was certain he exceeded it by at least fifty percent; but for now, he didn’t care about the risk of a speeding ticket.

A low, almost animalistic growl left his throat instinctively, his eyes seeing red.

While the situation wasn’t exactly clear due to the vague phone call you’d given him, Nikolai was sure of one thing.

You were in danger.

Just that one phrase that ran through his mind was enough to make another growl shove its way past Nikolai’s clenched teeth, and in an attempt to reach you faster, he slammed his foot against the gas further.

He didn’t care whether or not he’d get into trouble afterwards.

All he cared about was getting to you, because who knows?

That phone call could’ve been the last thing he’d ever hear from you, and Nikolai refused to let that happen.

Not now, and not ever.

Your breaths left in erratic bursts, becoming more and choppier the longer you tried to quiet yourself down. If it weren’t for the feeling of hot tears streaking down your cheeks, you would’ve never acknowledged the fact that you were crying.

’The police will come and they’ll arrest the robber. The police will come and they’ll arrest the robber,’ you chanted mentally, hoping that if you thought about it enough, it’d come true. ’The police will come and they’ll arrest the robber. I’m sure… I’m sure Nikolai already called them.’

A part of you questioned yourself. In a situation like this where someone had broken into the building you worked at, why did you call Nikolai first? Why not the police when you had the chance?

Maybe it was because you just wanted to hear his voice one last time. You still weren’t sure if you’d make it out of here alive, anyways.

“Where are you, girl!?”

The loud voice interrupted your thoughts as you just barely stifled a squeal, drawing your limbs even closer to yourself as you hid behind the mountain of boxes in the upstairs storage room. All of your co-workers were at home, thank goodness; that meant none of them would get hurt, but you had to stay behind to take care of a couple of things.

Really, of all days to choose from, a robber chose the day in which only you were still in the building to rob your workplace.

“I know you’re here,” the gruff voice said, his heavy footsteps serving to be more than enough to signify how close he was from your hiding spot. “Come out!”

Yeah, no.

You were unable to do anything besides staying rooted to the spot and keeping your mouth shut, wishing over and over that he wouldn’t discover your hiding spot – however, your wishes were ignored when the wall of boxes that hid you began to disappear, the burglar removing them one at a time.

Male!Belarus x female reader One Shots(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now