Chapter 2

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Heya I'ma back!!! A shout out to Littlemissmim321 she is AWESOME  read her  story   in the heat of the moment. It is a great story please read it and also check out my other story secrets in the shadows... Anyhoo enoy this chapter............

Kayley’s POV

It was odd to not know what he was thinking and how he felt. I’d always been able to tell before tonight that is. Then I realised – he was going to be a father; he was getting married; he had accepted a job in Chicago, he was starting a whole life with someone. Who knew how often I would see him now. I was happy for him, delighted even but, if I was brutally honest I would miss seeing him as much as I do now.

 Kayley, say something.” As he said this I noticed that he was looking at me for some sort of answer.

“I’ll miss you, but I am happy for you- delighted really. That you’ve found somebody to love and to cherish.” I say all this with such honesty that I’m surprised that I don’t actually mean any of it.

“Come on we should go back inside the restraunt.” He mumbled already starting to walk away from the spot that he was standing in just moments ago…


We were all sat around the table waiting for my father to arrive the waiter had already been over three times asking if we were ready to order yet. I was pretty sure he was getting annoyed that we had not yet even looked at the menus. Just then my phone started playing ‘Never grow up’ by Taylor Swift. I immediately knew it was my Dad phoning me as he had set that ringtone for him himself. I sighed and excused myself from the table.

“Hi sweetie.” Dad said cheerfully as I picked up the phone. I really did love my Dad he was always so cheerful about practically everything; I’d never seen him get angry either.

“Hey Daddy. Where are you? You should have been here ages ago.”

“Sorry, sweetheart. But I am here now; I’m in the car park. Can you come out and meet me, so that you can show me to the table?”

 “Sure, I’m coming out now.” I walk out of the Restraunt then only to see my Dad standing right in front of my face. I hug him fiercely breathing in his warm scent.

“Come on, let’s go inside hon.” He says whilst smiling down at me – yes he is tall and I am tiny-.


For awhile the dinner goes smoothly. Just random chit chat about: life, college, work, food, films, money and places to go. But I did only say for awhile it all changed when Amelia dropped the bomb…

“Mom, Dad, Aunt Olivia and John I have to tell you all something,” Amelia started off. “I have dropped out of college to move to New York with Adam. Dad, we are in love and we’re going to buy an apartment together. I do not expect you to approve but I thought you should know.” As she finished speaking, I looked around at everyone’s faces: Mums face was sort of proud but at the same time disappointed in Amelia; Aunt Olivia was just smiling, obviously enjoying all this and then there was John, again his expression was unreadable. I didn’t like it.

“No! Not unless Kayley moves with you, I don’t want my baby alone in New York city.” My Mom said indignantly. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Amelia is everyone’s favourite; the baby of the family.

“Well then, it’s decided Kayley will move to New York as well.” My Dad was rather proud with what he had just said whilst; I just looked at him with a shocked expression. Why would he do this to me?

“Um I have some news as well,” As John says this everybody turns to look at him. Staring at him intently. “Well the thing is that I’mmovingtoChicagotoacceptapermanentplacementatthejobI’vebeenworkingat.I’malsoengagedtoawonderfulyoungladycalledSophia.Iloveherwithallmyhearteventhoughherfamilymaynotberich.” Once he had finished talking in gobbeldy goop. I asked him to explain once more but this time S-L-O-W-L-Y. And he did everyone looked at him with mixed emotions. There was an eerie sort of silence engulfing the table until Aunt Olivia spoke up “So when do we all get to meet this wonderful girl who’s stolen your heart?” John smiled at her seemingly grateful to her for speaking – no one is normally grateful when she speaks- he looked at her with so much happiness I knew that this girl was definitely special.

“She’s actually waiting in the car right now.” He mumbled looking down.

“Well go get her then.” Mom says cheerfully.

TA-DA the next chapter I hope you all enjoyed it if you did VOTE and COMMENT. I have just posted book called everyday it is going to be a book of short poems the first one is for my now ex boyfriend Callum's birthday and the second one I wrote yesterday about when we broke up the day before check it out and if you like it VOTE and COMMENT

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