Chapter 4 part 1

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It's off hold yay! I've taken this one off hold instead of taking 'My life as a Zoggs swimwear model' off hold because well a) I posted this one before MLAAZSM and b) I have a great idea for this at the moment soooo yeah anyway I've taken this off hold but I won't upload on Monday again if I don't get 50 reads, 10 more votes and 10 more comments :) if you don't reach that then I'll just upload on Wednesday. Enjoy the chapter...

I sit back in my chair flipping through the latest issue of ELLE and wondering about whether I’ll like NYC or not, it might be too much like a monster for me; it might swallow me up. My eyes start to gradually droop, becoming heavier and heavier until all I can see is darkness.

I wake up three hours later when we land in NYC. As I stand up from my seat my eyes widen when I look out of the tiny window in the family jet, I’ve seen New York City before but it still seems magical every time I arrive here. I quickly gather up my stuff, thank the pilot and crew then leave. I skip down the rickety steps and hop over to my car that’s waiting for me (I had a driver bring it over from Kara’s for me), I sling my stuff in the back seat and set off once I’m in the driver’s seat. Riding through the streets of NYC again in my convertible, makes everything so much better, the sun seems brighter, the sky bluer and the smell of the city stronger. I guess moving here and my life being like this all the time, won’t be that bad, right?

As I pull up outside a possible apartment, I put my car into park and step out the car, surveying the building before me as I do, slamming the door behind me. I walk up the path my heels making a sharp sound on the concrete pavement. After tapping twice on the door I step back and wait. It takes only a split second for it to be answered, by a woman that seems to be in about her late forties. She’s dressed in a grey business suit jacket and skirt; her shoes are black and pointy like cruella de vil however, her face is soft and kind. She sends me a warm smile and extends her hand graciously.

“Hi, I’m Ms. Jennifer Blakeslee. I think we talked on the phone, I’m the estate agent,” Ms. Blakeslee says.

“Oh hi, I’m Miss James, Kayley James. I’m looking for an apartment around here,” I say taking her hand and shaking it vigorously.

“Well, we better get started if you want find one today, we’ve got a lot to go through,” She starts to walk into the building and I eagerly follow. “So what do you do for a living Miss James?” Ms. Blakeslee questions me.

“Well, actually I’ve just been offered an interning job at the Whitehouse. But unfortunately due to family reasons I can’t accept it, though I am going for an interview tomorrow at White v case. So I guess in the long run you could say I’m a lawyer,”

“So, you’ll be looking for a modern apartment, close to public transport, good priced restraunts in the area and also some clubs for you to go and check out when you have a girl’s night out. Taking all that into account I’m thinking downtown Manhattan?”

“Sounds good.”

After looking around nine apartments already we’re finally on the way to our last one of the day. I hope this one will be good because so far to be honest none of them of them have really wowed me. I walk into the spacious living room/kitchen. Its wallpaper was peeling around the edges and the carpet looked like it had seen better days, but the room itself felt homey and I could see myself fixing it up then living in it.

“Like I said in the car, it’s not really the best apartment that we’ve seen so I understand if you don’t buy this one in particular. Although I must say that apartment number six was perfect for you, the location was superb, crime rate was low, actually shall I just go ahead and put you down as a maybe for that one?”

“Um, no thanks Jennifer, that one didn’t really take my fancy. However this one is definitely a contender, I love the neighbourhood here and that diner we passed on the way looked lovely,” I reply a smile enveloping my face.

“Oh, well come take a look at the bedroom then, its right through here.” I follow her through a small doorway at this point, as I step into a regular room I notice the bed and wardrobe in the corner with a desk on the other wall. Apart from these few pieces of furniture the room is considerably bare; there are no personal possessions like photos or ornaments. It’s empty.

“I’ll take it,” I say after being in that apartment for only five minutes, I already know I want to make this my home.

“Okay, well I’ll get the paper work typed up later on today and I’ll get it to you for tomorrow. I’m so glad that we found you an apartment,”

“Hmm well so am I, anyway I must go now I have prior engagements to meet up with some friends,”

“Of course, of course feel free to see yourself out I still need to lock up here.”

“Goodbye it was nice meeting you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.”


“That’s not true, she didn’t speak like that and she wasn’t that old just a little aged around the edges,” I laugh with Kara.

“Right, so she didn’t sound like this: O hello, I am so privileged to meet you I’ve been dreaming of this day from when I was just a wee tot in the English countryside,” Kara responds using a very bad mock English/Scottish accent to impersonate Ms. Blakeslee.

“Stop it Kara, she wasn’t like that in the slight. If she had an accent at all it would be a southern one,”

“Fine then she talks like this: Well heya everybody how are y’all doin’ today?” Kara yet again mocks Ms. Blakeslee but this time it’s in a very bad southern accent.

“Enough, she was really nice and…” I cut myself off by spluttering with laughter as I try to search for something else to say. “Sweet, she was very sweet,”

“You don’t have to pretend with me doll. I know everything-“ Kara says mocking a physic.

 Ta da please Vote and Comment. I have a question for everyone just 'cause I'm nosy: Where does everyone live? Comment your answers, I live in England :) Also please check out my interview book if you want an interview then PM or comment on the actual book :)

Ta ta for now peeps


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