Chapter 6

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Rory resisted the urge to flinch as an arrow came whistling towards him and landed next to his ear. He exhaled slowly and braced himself for the next close call.

“I still don’t understand why I have to do this.” He said as three arrows hit a spot just above his head all at once.

“You’re helping me with target practice.” She said innocently “I work better with an element of danger involved.”

“But you’re a daughter of Apollo, I thought you lot were naturally amazing archers.” Rory complained

“Aah.” Arabella said knowingly “we are,” An arrow landed with unnecessary force between his fingers “but I’m not as good as Will.” She skipped towards him, her bow slung over her shoulder. Arabella’s hair flowed behind her and she wore a smile worthy of Hermes himself.

“Oh my gods what are you up to?” he said, backing away and almost knocking over the target. Arabella giggled.

“Why don’t you trust me?” she said, taking an apple from her pocket.

“That apple is dripping with mischief.” Arabella was standing right in front of Rory now and he could see the dimples on her cheeks and her eyelashes almost blonde from the sun.

“Please.” She said holding the apple in front of his face “just put it in your mouth.”

“Not a chance.” Rory shook his head, expression adamant. Arabella pushed it towards him and Rory grabbed her hand to stop her. As soon as they made contact he felt shivers go up his arm, he’d taken her hand without thinking but now it made him nervous. He dropped her hand hastily.

“Sorry.” He muttered. She smiled at him.

“ ‘s okay.” She said quietly, then in a sterner voice “Now, I’m serious, put the apple in your mouth.”

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