Texting & rehearsal

62 1 3

Chat:  Jungkook 💜

Jungkook 💜: hey Minnie hope you had fun 😊

Minnie 💕: O Hi ☺️ yes I did.

Jungkook 💜: good wel see you tomorrow for rehearsal!

Minnie💕:  o wow yeah i almost forgot 😁👍 thanks

Jungkook💜: 😂 bye love 💕

Minnie 💕: bye 😳

Jimin's mom POV

Why is he screaming like that?

~Next day at rehearsal~

Teacher POV

" Today we are going trough the script. " I said but not a lot of people where listening. Most of the girls where staring at Jungkook who only had eyes for Jimin. 

Jimin was giggling at his friend that was explaining something with a lot of hand gestures and funny faces. But anyone could see that his eyes sometimes set on Jungkook and when that happend they both shyly look away. 

"JUNGKOOK AND JIMIN !!" sh*t, I had a plan I wasn't gonna do this but I think they won't mind.

Jimin POV

"JUNGKOOK AND JIMIN !!" Fuck I snapped out of the trance and looked at the teacher. 

"Come to the front." Jungkook and I shared a glance and then stept forward. 

"We are going to do the scene where you both find each other again. You are crying and so happy to see each other. Here is the script now PLAY !" Said the teacher and handed us the text.


Yow, yara here I don't know why the letters are different now 🤔
But oké . sorry for the late updates, next week or this week there will be a new one this is just one to satisfy you that's why it's so short.

Any ideas are welcome ! ❤️

0sweetdeath for you 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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