Play promise

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When Jimin and Jungkook walked in the acting class for the second time, they immediately caught each other's eyes.

The teacher began talking about the play, it was called "promise". It was about two boy's who promised to be there for each other, but along the way, there would be lots of things that kept them from doing so.

Everybody thought that it was about a friendship. But the teacher had other things in mind. More romantic...

Jimin POV

"Hey Jin, you are so going to get the lead." 

I secretly hoped for the part if it was together with that hot guy. "what are you thinking you don't even know him." I thought to myself. 

Jin answered with a look that said. " obviously!" And we both laughed.

Jungkook POV

I heard laughter so beautiful. I looked up and wasn't suprised when I saw that Jimin guy. His friend was laughing too, weirdly and very loud. But I only had an eye for Jimin's laugh. I was starting to stare again and he caught my glance.

Teacher's POV

I looked around the class and saw two boys stare at each other intensely while one of the boys friend was laughing uncontrollably. I knew immediately that those two boys where going to play the part. I hoped they could act.

"AUDITIONS!" I yelled. I got everyone's attention. "Tomorrow there are going to be auditions, you better be on time. Class dismissed!" 

I heard whispers al around when they got out of class. Jungkook and Jimin. A perfect match. Yes!

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