start of the school year!

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《The night before the 1st day of school》

North korea's POV

I just got back from the café and opened the door. I see my brother, south making dinner. "I'm home" i said while closing the door. I walked into the kitchen to take a peek of what he's making.

He's making ramen!

I ran to my room and quickly put my stuff. Then, i ran down and looked at my phone.

"Why did you cook ramen today?" I asked.

He pushed a bowl towards my side of the table and said "look at the date". I was confused. The date? I quickly checked. Tommorow was the first day of school!

Great. Same bullies, same enimies. Why do they bully me? Because i am a devil. I don't even know how they are angels. I ate my ramen while looking at my phone.

"And you know our tradition! South said loudly.

"Wearing matching outfits on the first and second day of school!" He shouted.

"Yay" i said in a emotionless face eating my ramen.

《After eating》

"So what are we wearing?" I asked him. I usually let him pick on the first day of school.

"Hmm.." he said while looking at his clothes.

"Let's where these!" He said while holding a outfit that looks like this:

"Let's where these!" He said while holding a outfit that looks like this:

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I said "ok" its not that bad.. (also they can hide their wings) i grabbed mine and put my notebooks and stationary.
I went to the kitchen and filled my water bottle. The bottle had the words "let's go to war!" On its side. After that, i went to the bathroom to beush my teeth and went to bed.

South korea's POV

I was so excited! Tommorow I going to see my friends and have fun at school! I had set everything up in the evening so nothing is not there! I was sleepy so i brushed my teeth and went to bed.

North korea's POV

The next day

I was woken up by my alarm and go to brush my teeth. I took a shower and wore the clothes south picked. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. South was there making his breakfast. He had made sandwiches so i ate them. I packed the lunch my brother made and tied my shoelaces. Yes, we also wear the same shoes. He ran up and said "WAIT FOR MEE!" as he quickly tied his shoelaces. I chuckled and we went to school.

He prefers to ride his bike while i prefer riding my skateboard. Either way we roughly get to school at the same time. I walked in and searched for my locker. I actually forgot where it is and searched around. When i found it I put my skateboard in and slammed the locker door shut. Then my face was slammed into my locker door. I looked back and saw America and Cuba holding my head so I wont lift it up.

"Hi devil!" He said while chuckling. I was so angry. He kicked the back of my knees and i fell down. Then..

"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." A guy said while slamming america's head into the locker. Cuba ran. I looked up to see a country with a flag almost like denmark but he has a white background with blue lines.

America ran while he stood there.

"I'm finland" he said with a emotionless face. He was slightly taller than me. "I'm north korea but call me north" i said.

"Wanna be friends? I am new here" he says with a slight smile.

"Sure.." i said. He walked a few steps and opened his locker which was 3 lockers away from mine. I actually got a friend. I walked to him and whispered, "are you a angel?".

"No, I am a devil" he said while looking through his stuff.

"Me too!" I said.

"Wait. Really?!" He was as shocked as i was. "Yeah" i immedietly answered.

"Cool!" He said with a warm smile.

"Everybody! Please be in the auditorium by 8 o'clock!" The principal, UN said.

I looked at my watch. It was 7:35.

"Lets go" i said to finland.

"Ok. Lets go." He answered.

We walked to the auditorium and sat down next to him. At 8 o'clock the auditorium was filled. Finland sat on the isle, i sat next to him, south sat next to me and japan sat by the wall.

(The bold text means the principal is talking)

Alright everyone! I have some news to share! We will be having clubs at this school! EU will be handing out the paper that has more info on clubs!

Everyone was excited including us four.

The pricipal then talked more but it was pretty boring. The next class was science for us. Me and finland were in the same class. After the assembly we grabbed our books and went to class.

The teacher told us to pick a partner that would be our teammate for the whole year. Of course, i choose finland. The seats were arranged so that we would sit in pairs. I sat next to finland and went on with our class.

Lunch time

It was lunch time so we went to eat. We went to the rooftop and sat on a bench. We ate our lunch while talking.

"What club are you going to join?" Finland asked.

"Music, maybe?" I said.

"Oh me too. Do you like music?" He asked me.

"I play the guitar so.. yea" i said.

"Cool" he said. "Hey im going to buy a drink in the cafeteria."

"Ok. I'll just walk around the rooftop" i answered him. He left me on the rooftop with some other people. I was walking around when someone kicked me. I fell down and looked up to see america and cuba. Great. I try to get up but they kicked me back down.

"HA. You are so weak. You only depend on finland to rescue you." He said.

At that point i snapped. I got up and kicked cuba by his leg. I grabbed America but he pushed me away. He elbowed me in the stomach and I fell down. It was too painfull. Then i saw finland tackling america. America and cuba left and i got up. "Thanks" I said .After i felt better we walked downstairs. We saw the music club participants list and put our names. Then we went to class like normal.


Ill make the end of the school day in another chapter. Also sorry if this is bad.

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