Ali's Burgers

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"I still think this a bad idea." Anna complained as they were looking at Kem's Restaurant and Hotel across the street.

"Who are you talking to?" Another different man asked, standing behind her. Well technically behind a Takeout Window. 

She turned around, and noticed a brown man with a thick beard that stretches a few inches long, and his hair seems just an inch long. This has to be Ali, the owner of Ali's Burgers since he seems middle aged and middle eastern or it could be his [Ali's] brother. She isn't sure since she only saw younger white people running the place before.

To avoid any drama and solely protect Jack's identity and abilities, Anna lied. "I was talking to myself."

"You don't have to lie, I know what's going on." He answered, causing a sweat to break over Anna's forehead and Jack practically running a stream of sweat. He started sneaking in Ali's place to "silence him" forever.

Luckily Jack is invisible at the moment or it would just look like a large man walking in a small Restaurant, it would obviously grab attention.

The door to Ali's Restaurant is closed, and although Jack tried to open as slowly as possible, Ali still managed to spot it open up even though he didn't fix his eyes towards the door, knowing it's Jack.

To clear out any confusion and end a possible disaster, Anna asked. "What do you mean?"

"I overheard your talk yesterday, that big fella with you seems to have some paranormal abilities and I can sense he is here, I can smell him. He has a nice perfume." Here, Ali practically pointed out that he knows about Jack's highly hidden Secret.

Afterwards he [Ali] even dared to point out where the two went wrong. "You both talked too loud for people trying to keep a Secret, I was just on the other bench 5 meters far from you."

Since Ali isn't threatening them, and since his tone is still remaining as sweet and comforting as a therapist, Jack didn't know if he should attack this middle aged man or leave it be and talk it out later on.

Seeing that there are no Customers here, and considering that most people are across the street near Kem's Restaurant and Hotel, Jack tip toed near the door at a blind spot. Afterwards he snapped his fingers and became visible again.

He approached Ali, who doesn't seem to be scared at all from Jack's abilities and actually welcoming him with a smile. Jack asked, "How much do you want to keep your mouth shut?"

Still remaining with a smile even though he got offered a bribe with a rather roughly projected tone, Ali replied. "I don't need nothing Habibi, I don't accept bribery."

With the topic of bribing kindly terminated, he [Ali] expressed. "I actually wanted to ask if you need any help, your red headed friend there seems and sounds too concerned about something."

"How can you help?" Jack asked with a calmer tone, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment since he clearly misjudged this kind man. And to lift the mood, he joked. "You can't really beat a pervert with a smile."

"Hahahaahahahaha!" Ali broke in laughter and his mild sized chest shook along with his laughter while gazing up, he walked out of his corner and pulled a chair for Jack. "If you need men, I can call my brothers and cousins."

In the meantime, Anna has just been staring them down from the outside and wonders what all that smiling and laughing is about, she couldn't hear them enough due to a few cars driving by over and over but she did hear the word "Bribe".

Deciding to walk in, she spoke at a low tone as she approached the table. "Looks like you two are all buddy buddies now, what's up?"

With a smile, he assured Anna. "Ali here is a sweetheart from the looks of it, he is offering some help."

Seeing that Jack is alright with his abilities being revealed to an absolute stranger, she sat down near him and pointed out. "I don't think he can help in any way, we had the plan thought out to the last detail."

As the two here were talking, Ali has already returned to his Corner and is preparing a couple of Burgers. That sound of fresh meat sizzling, deafened what Ali could accidentally eavesdrop over again.

So Anna whispered, "Are you sure you are comfortable with this man knowing about your abilities? We don't know him! What if he sells you out?" She is obviously thinking about Jack's wellbeing even though she could be offending the kind Ali over there.

Having it thought out already and even feeling trust on Ali a little bit, he stated. "There aren't much options in terms of reporting me somewhere, and even if he did it would be nearly impossible to find me. We are good." 

"Oh I won't report you." Ali spoke from a distance of three meters, approaching with a couple of fresh hot Burgers on his hands. "Just because you are different, it doesn't mean you are evil."

After that he placed the Burgers in front of them in a cute little basket and with much enthusiasm while doing that Italian finger shaking thing, he added. "Have a taste of these Burgers, the meat is organic and halal. You won't find it anywhere else in London!"

He [Ali] sat on a chair nearby and explained a little secret of his own, "I have a family member with similar abilities, we thought it was Black Magic but after pushing him through 8 Imams, they could not see any Black Magic on him or Jinns either. It's just a God Gifted ability."

Looking at Jack, he asked. "Your abilities are God Gifted too, right?"

Feeling ready to reveal what he hasn't even told Anna yet, Jack explained. "I was born with them, so yes I suppose they are God Gifted. I'm what the media would call, a Vampire but it's far more sophisticated than that simple term."

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