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Daniel and the dean come in together. The place is cleaned out except the furniture.

DANIEL Is that a concern?

DEAN Somewhat.

DANIEL How much of a concern is it?

DEAN It's somewhat of a concern. I can't measure the precise quantity.

DANIEL What's been the impact on our reputation?

DEAN Oh, this is something you concern yourself with now, reputation?

DANIEL No, I was just asking to be polite.

DEAN I'll handle the reputations thanks. Although..

DANIEL Have I made things difficult for you?

DEAN You could help me out a little.

DANIEL When do I get my keys?

DEAN You get them now.

DANIEL Thank you.

DEAN Although..

DANIEL They feel a bit lighter.

DEAN ..you'll notice there's one missing.

DANIEL I didn't need a key before.

DEAN Please don't.

DANIEL I won't. I promise.

DEAN That would be the end.

DANIEL How'd you handle the press on that one?

DEAN There wasn't any press, that's how I handled it.

DANIEL Thanks.

DEAN Reputation is my department.

DANIEL I'm glad to be back in mine.

DEAN I don't doubt it.

DANIEL Thank you.

DEAN Just remember how glad you are to be back and we'll be fine.

DANIEL I will.

DEAN If you need help, ever, tell me.

DANIEL Can you have my books shipped over from the house?

DEAN How bout you ship them this time.


DEAN You know how dear you are to me.

DANIEL I didn't know that.

DEAN You are.

DANIEL Is that why I'm back?



DEAN You're back cause I can't find anyone else.

DANIEL Please, less honesty.

DEAN You're a wonderful teacher.

DANIEL And the students love me.

DEAN You are quite the charmer.

DANIEL I know, and it's inappropriate..

DEAN Well..

DANIEL It won't happen again.

DEAN Well..

DANIEL It's just, with this one..

DEAN You loved her, didn't you?


DEAN I wish she was still with you.

DANIEL No. It was wrong of me in the first place.

DEAN Oh, I don't know. She loved you too I think.

DANIEL I hope so.

DEAN Think of Pythagoras.


DEAN Come on. You think I'm gonna tell you not to bang your students?

DANIEL Are you?

DEAN It's an ancient tradition of the academic world!

DANIEL Do you bang the students?

DEAN It's harder for a dean. But I would if they were coming onto me.

DANIEL I could send some your way.


DANIEL I'll send you all of mine.


DANIEL Every other girl that walks in that door.

DEAN That's the problem.


DEAN Every other girl.


DEAN So you see.

DANIEL Really?


DANIEL I can't help you there.

DEAN Didn't think you could.

The dean nods, smiles, and gets up.

DEAN That's between us.

DANIEL Figured.

DEAN Reputations and all.

DANIEL Of course.

The dean leaves. Daniel settles into his office. He sits in his chair, leans back. Something on a top shelf catches his eye. He gets up, climbs on the counter to get it. It's a tourniquet. He takes it down, wraps it around his hand. Then he puts it in the trash and leaves.

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