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Daniel is already there. A student comes by tentatively.

DANIEL Come in.

LACY I'm from your class.

DANIEL Yes, I recognize you. Miss Brothers. C average.

LACY Lacy.

DANIEL Lacy Brothers. Always sits in the back of the class.

LACY Gives a better overall vantage point on the room.

DANIEL You sit in the same seat every single week.

She smiles.

DANIEL Why is that?

LACY Once you find something you like you should keep it.

DANIEL Even a chair?

LACY I like my chair. It has graffiti I like, and gum.

DANIEL What does it say?

LACY It says the dean sucks cock.

DANIEL And what do you think?

LACY I don't know the dean.

DANIEL But I do.


DANIEL People write all sorts of things. Who knows if any of it means anything.

LACY Look, I came here for a reason, so..I..

DANIEL You're not happy with your C—

LACY I don't care about the C.

She kisses him, a peck, then pulls back, trying to judge his reaction.

LACY I'm sorry. It was a mistake to come here.

She goes.

DANIEL I don't believe it's possible, not to make mistakes.

LACY You don't.

DANIEL The key for me, is..

LACY What?

DANIEL Making the right ones.

He goes for her.

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