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Someone told me that I am not beautiful because of what and how I looked like. I was public shamed because of my skin color and my imperfections.

For me, beauty isn't just about the physical aspect of a person but rather it must be holistic. Meaning to say, beauty should be both inside and outside.

We can say that a person is beautiful because that person meets the standards of the society. We are engulfed and intoxicated by beauty itself based on what we have seen through social media.

My definition of beauty might be different from yours. Hence, beauty varies from person to person.

Let me just say these three things:
- Just because you don't meet the standards of the society that doesn't mean you are not beautiful.
-  Just because your skin color is different from the others that doesn't mean you are not beautiful.
- Just because you don't have a perfect body and face that doesn't mean you are not beautiful.

We are who we are. We don't need to define ourselves by the society to consider ourselves beautiful. You are beautiful and that is enough.

KIM || THE REMNANTS OF MY PAST: PROSE AND SHORT STORIES ||Where stories live. Discover now