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My body froze. It was as if I was stuck in time.
How does she know my name?
I turn around, met with something that made my eyes widen and jaw drop.

I wasn't the only Jeon.

Because right in front of me, was a woman no older than 70, standing confident but secretive with shiny black hair that swayed behind her, and she had full purple eyes.

"H-how do you know my name?" I stutter out repulsively.
"You don't need to know that. All I need you to know- is to follow me."
I gulp silently, still shocked.

"And what if I don't?" She then took a step closer getting up in my face.
"It has to do with the prophecy."
My heart stopped.
I sighed. I knew I had to go with her just for those words.

She smiles and turns, waving a hand for me to follow her.
I follow her warily, wondering why she has a big goofy smile on her face even when she has to walk everywhere with her head down.

I follow her into an alleyway, and she turns to me.
"I need to tell you this information before I die." She tells me.
"What?" I say frightened.

"I can see the future, and I'm going to die soon after I tell you this information, so as soon as I finish, run, you'll then understand."

"Do you remember the story of the woman and the man that started the Jeons, and the generations after that with them having to move to stay alive from hunters?"

"Yeah?" I say.

"Well that's a load of bullshit."
My eyes widened.

"Did they tell you about our fangs?"
"Wait, who?"
"The hunters dumb nut."
"Uh yeah, but it's normal?!!"
"Of course, they just don't tell you that."

"Oh." I said quietly.
"Anyway, the really story is disgusting. The Jeons were made by failed lab experiments, and turned on the doctors, killing them with fangs that happened to be an abnormal adaptation.

They escaped, and killed everybody and anybody in their path, too scared to care. They killed mother's, fathers, children, doctors- it was horrible.

They eventually rested, and learned how to not show their fangs and they then had children, teaching them and the next generations and shit, but it ended up to where the mother's didn't even tell the children that they were monstrous."

My jaw was on the ground. It couldn't be possible?! But, there is another Jeon standing in front of me.......

"And then there's the prophecy, and the person with black fangs. That means they are superior over everyone else who had white fangs, and they rule the Jeons, and they could turn into a devil with black horns eyes and nails, and they'll get black wings if they give in t their desires."

"Are you telling me this......because I have black fangs?" I ask her.
"Yes you have the black fangs."

That's when it supposedly felt like time started moving again.
"Run!!" She screams at me.

I fall back, an explosion happening in front of me.
The citizens scream, running around in fright, leaving the scene as soon as possible, not wanting to get killed.

My legs start to work again, they slowly stood me up, shaking violently as my ears rung.

I back away, the ruble and dust clouding my vision as I try to see where the woman I met earlier went.

I hear something move beside me and I duck, just barely missing a machete being sliced through the air where my neck had been.

"(Laughter) ah, so you're an observant one ay?"
I move swiftly as I dodge five more attacks of the machete.

(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now