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"Damnit!" Namjoon says, making everyone look at him in fear and confusion.
"What just happened?" Hoseok asks, his hand finally leaving Namjoon's healed injuries.

"They trapped us in this invisible box, it was made so when all of us stay together in this spot for over five minutes, it drops down on us." He explains.

"How did you know it was there if it was invisible?" I ask him.
"I can sense it, I don't know how but I can."
"Ok, we trust you Namjoon." Yoongi says, making everyone else nod in agreement.

It made my heart sink a little bit, but I shook it off. They knew Namjoon longer than me, and I was basically dead for two years, it's explainable.

We sit in darkness for about twenty minutes, all of us discussing in hushed whispers on how to get out and make a run for it.

We all knew it wouldn't happen though.
"We need to stop bullshiting ourselves." I announce.
They look at me, lips pressed together in a thin line.

That's when someone grabs my collar, their hands balled up against my shirt tightly.
I realize that it's Hoseok, and his face is covered in stray tears.

My eyes widened, not having seen him like this before.
"You know what Jungkook??? I can't fucking stand you right now."
Everyone else looked at him in shock, especially me.

"We all can't nor won't accept the fact that later on today you're going to kill us!! We all know it's going to happen ok!! No need to push it on us anymore!! But I won't accept that!! You know why!!! Because I don't believe in destined fate!!! I'm not going to sit around and wait for me to die when I know I can do something, can you?"

He let's go, full on crying now.
I only stare at him, continuing to only do that after he turns away from me and takes a seat, tears streaming down his face while Jin comforts him.

Taehyung comes to my side, saying something to me, but I can't hear him, only being able to hear the harsh words that Hoseok shouted at me only moment earlier.

I come back to my senses, turning my face towards Taehyung who's looking at me weirdly.
I turn back to the others, them also, staring at me weirdly.

It tried, but I couldn't talk. My lips wouldn't open, only causing me pain.
My eyes widened, my hands immediately flying to my mouth.

I felt it, I felt thread sewn through my lips.
I internally screamed, letting frightened tears run down my face.

Come back to reality Kookie........

Come back.......

Unknown thoughts ran through my head, making me hold it in pain as I closed my eyes, hearing a buzzing sound in my ears.

I snapped my eyes open, my face covered in sweat.

The others stared at me in concern, Hoseok turned away from me.
I reach my hand up shakily, noticing that my lips weren't sewn.

I sighed in relief, leaning my head down so that I could hold it comfortably, while Taehyung rubbed my back in confusion.

"I see that my vision ability is working."
My head snaps back up, looking around, wondering who in the world said that.

"Who's there?!!" Jimin asked in a shaky whisper.
Suddenly, it wasn't dark anymore.
We coulda see again, the light back in the room.

The confusing part was, that we could see the outline of a box around us.
Two people came in, a man and a woman, both around the age of 25.

We could feel the energy radiating off of them.
"You guys-"
"Are supernaturals. Yes, yes we are."
The girl said, cutting off Namjoon's shock.

"But why are you working with the hunters? They killed our kind!" Taehyung said frustratedly.

"We don't really have a choice...." the girl whispered sadly. They both showed their necks and wrists, showing thin metal bands with buttons on it, wrapped around them.

"What are those?"
I ask.
They turn to me, and narrow their eyes.
"Your kind is the reason we're like this."
I flinched back.

"But, we won't hold it against you. They're trackers, and will electrocute us if we act out. The hunters are watching but can't hear, so we can talk freely, but not act."

We nod at her.
She then, starts to cry.
The man looks down, his face scrunched up while his hands ball up into fists.

"When you escape, please kill us."
That makes us freeze.
"What?" Taehyung says.
"We're trapped, and these'll never come off. We won't ever escape, since they can control us with multiple remotes.
Even if we did which isn't true, I wouldn't want to live on the run for the rest of my life, same for my husband."

We look at him, and he nods, tears dripping down his cheeks onto the floor.
"Please, please do it without hesitation. If you do it, you would be making us extremely happy, since we'll at least be dying together."
He smiles, turning his face towards her.

They both hold hands, smiling lovingly, before the jerk back, both of the shaking violently.
"See.." The man says brokenly, his hands back into fists.

I look down. I knew the others wouldn't do it.
"I'll do it." They turn to me.
"Thank you, thank you so much......"
I feel the others eyes on me, so I turn to them.

"How can you be so heartless Jungkook!! How can you just do that so easily!! They're family!!!

"They're not family..." I whisper.
"What? I'm talking about how can you kill them like that!! They're human beings!!"
Jimin said, speaking from his heart.

"They want it."
I say.
"That doesn't mean kill them!!"
"So would you rather them die by the hunters and be unhappy??"
Jimin freezes.

"Exactly what I thought."
I say, turning away from him.
Suddenly, the double doors open.
The people freeze, wiping their tears and standing straight, stern expressions on their faces.

"Well well well, we finally have the last Jeon in our clutches." A hunter said, raspy voice bouncing off the whole walls.

"I have a little story to tell you, fun fact, it's true."
My teeth gritted, my fists balling, turning white.
I knew this man, and I know just what story he'll tell.

"Little Jungkookie here around the age of six, had two best friends."
The others looked at me, while I only clenched and unclenches my fists, looking down.

"Jungkook??" Taehyung says.
"These two friends were named Jack and Sarah, and all of them were neighbors.
They all decided to play hide and seek in the forrest one day, only to be seen by hunters.

They ran, screaming and crying in fear.
His friends got shot dead, while he was captured. He then used his fangs to eat his friend Jack while in the clutches of our arms, fun right?"



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now