Chapter 7

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The school opened back up a few days later. Mystery walked into her class, and was greeted by a new dragon in her winglet. It was a Seawing, most likely to replace Bubble. Except, this dragon was almost the exact opposite of Bubble! Looks wise at least. She was a light teal color with seafoam underwings. Her glowing scales were lit up -for who knows why- and she had emerald green eyes.

" Hello? Who are you?" Mystery asked cautiously.

The Seawing turned her head and smiled. " I'm Siren! You must be the 'Mystery' dragon everyone is talking about!"

" How did you know?!" Mystery was surprised. But then she remembered the fight with Sleet, and how she had saved Echowings. She was shocked when Siren said;

" It's your birthday today, right? The Hivewing told me,"

Mystery looked over at Velvet, who smiled shyly. Mystery smiled back and she put her talon on Autumn's head. Autumn chirped and licked Mystery's claw.

" Aww! She's so cute!" Siren exclaimed, just noticing the fox.

Mystery was about to respond when a dusty tan Sandwing stomped into the room and sat down on the teacher's seat.

" All right everyone, sit your butts down and shut your snouts! It's time for class!" He yelled at the dragonets as though he was a military leader. He seemed old and there was a large scar on his left eye. There were also many, smaller scars scattered around his body. He was very intimidating.

The dragonets scrambled to sit down. All of them except Siren and Mystery.

" Why should we?!" Mystery spat. The Sandwing looked at her and got off from his seat. He walked up to Mystery and put his face in front of hers. Mystery could feel his breath on her snout.

" I was in the army for thirty years. I'm the adult in the room, and you WILL listen to me. Don't try anything missy," The Sandwing growled.

" Y-Yes sir," Mystery gulped. Autumn chirped in fear of the Sandwing, who was now walking back to his seat.

" Alright! Your teachers are out meeting with the queens, and I am your substitute! My name is Thistle, but you WILL refer to me as Sargent! Will begin the lesson now!" Sargent sat as if he was waiting for someone. When the dragonets didn't do anything he yelled. " What are you waiting for?!? START TAKING NOTES!"

His class was full of yelling and screaming. At one point, Sargent drove poor Velvet to tears! After a firm scolding by Sunny, he backed off a bit. By the time lunch rolled around, the teachers were back and the mean old Sandwing had been fired. He was apparently a criminal in the Kingdom of Sand, and had escaped and got a job here.

The teachers got a few students to take him back ( which was stupid if you asked Mystery). Even so, Mystery volunteered, along with Crystal, Siren, two Sandwings, and a Mudwing.

The night before they were supposed to leave, Mystery decided to stretch her wings and get ready for the trip. She opened her midnight- purple wings and saw the iridescent scales shining many different colors. The three moons in the sky shone brightly, making it easier to see. Mystery took off. She felt a gentle breeze cool off her scales, and heard the trees rustling below. Mystery flew through the mountains, in the direction of the sea.

She landed on a sturdy looking tree branch. Most Nightwings wouldn't be able to tell which ones to land on and which ones to not. But Mystery, having grown up in the rainforest, learned from her father. Her father was a Rainwing, making Mystery a hybrid. Though, she considered herself to be mostly Nightwing, being that it is what most people saw.

Mystery sighed, and looked at the empty pouch pocket. She opened the secret pocket that Falcon had shown her, and pulled out the pearl. The pearl that she loved and hated at the same time. It was instinct to recall all of the enchantments that were on it. The one for my anger, the one that Aqua made, and... Mystery paused. And the one for my powers. Mystery thought grudgingly. She remembered when she didn't have the pearl, and everyone's thoughts were swirling in her head. Many of them were about her, though not in a good way. Her eyelids were heavy and Mystery closed them for a moment.

Mystery was jerked from her slumber as she heard a twig snap. She put the pearl back, and closed the pouch again. It's just a squirrel! Mystery's head told her, but Mystery's gut had something different to say. She turned in the direction of the sound, and then turned back. Something in the back of her mind made her check again, but was met by a similar reaction from her conscience, so she turned around again.

Then Mystery heard approaching footsteps, and every bone in her body turned to ice. Her gut, head, and heart all told her to run. She jumped off the branch and took to the skies, her heart pounding. She didn't look back as she flew back to Jade mountain academy.Once she got there, though, she slowed her pace, not wanting to worry anyone. Good thing she did, because Crystal was waiting by the entrance.

" Where were you?! Whatever, it doesn't matter. C'mon we have to pack up! We're gonna leave in a few hours," Crystal explained, and it only just then, dawned on Mystery that she had slept through the night. She and Crystal walked to their rooms where Mystery was greeted by Autumn chirping and running around.

" Hi! How are you?" Mystery asked, picking the little fox. Now that she had a better view of Autumn's face, Mystery could see that it was not expressing joy, but worry. Mystery put Autumn down, and bagan packing. Well, she tried. Autumn kept stealing the things and jumping inside the bag. It was as though she was trying to warn them about something.

" She's just being a fox," Crystal dismissed, but Mystery wasn't so sure. Thistle coming as the substitute, the footsteps in the forest, the strange gut feeling that she had felt, Autumn acting weird; Mystery couldn't help but think something was wrong.

She didn't have time to tell anyone this, because by the time they were packed, Tsunami was in their room telling them that they had to go. Mystery nodded, and reluctantly followed. She just couldn't shake that uneasy feeling. She hoped that it was all in her head, but deep down she knew otherwise. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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